5 Worst States for Concealed-Carry and Gun Ownership Rights

Previously, we provided an article on the Top 5 States for Concealed-Carry Rights, which highlighted the best states for laws related to concealed carry and personal protection. Now, we’d like to look…
Choosing Concealed-Carry Clothing

An important part of carrying a concealed weapon is choosing the right clothing. With a little thought and preparation, you can choose items that look good, keep you comfortable, and conceal your personal-protection weapon in a safe and responsible manner. Patterns Often Conceal Better When choosing shirts, look for garments with patterns and various colors, […]
Is Firearm Training Required for Concealed Carry?

If you are seeking a concealed-carry permit, the first question you might have is whether or not you’ll need to complete firearms training. You might also wonder what form this training might take…