Online Concealed-Carry Classes: Are They The Right Choice?

How to Get Permit with Online Classes According to multiple sources (see below), the only way to currently obtain your concealed-carry permit with online classes it through a license with the…
Concealed-Carry Pistol: Should a Cartridge be Chambered?

It’s one of the most common questions for new handgun owners and concealed-carry permit holders: should you carry a round in the chamber of a pistol? Having a round in the chamber means the firearm is ready to shoot with the squeeze of a trigger, and while there are disagreements, many experts feel that keeping […]
Are 1911 Pistols Too Large for Concealed Carry?

1911-style pistols, commonly called a “1911,” is one of the most popular types of handguns in the world. Usually loaded with the powerful and heavy .45 ACP cartridge, this handgun was created as a military sidearm (released as the M1911) but is now used for private target practice and personal protection. This style of handgun […]