What to Look For in a Concealed-Carry Jacket

If you have your concealed-carry permit, a concealed-carry jacket can be a great addition to your wardrobe, allowing you to comfortably carry your weapon in a safe manner. But you need to take your time and select the right jacket for your specific needs. Complete Concealment Probably the most important part of a good concealed-carry […]
Excellent Concealed-Carry Handguns from SIG Sauer

If you choose a concealed-carry handgun from SIG Sauer, you are likely making a wise choice. All of their forearms are reliable and consistent, but these are four of the best options for concealed-carry permit owners. P238 Built to be accurate and concealable, the P238 is an all-metal firearm that was inspired by the 1911-style […]
Remember the Fundamental Rules of Gun Safety At All Times

Gun safety is a crucial component of owning firearms. Proper handling of a firearm not only makes the practice less deadly, it also helps promote safe and responsible use; if you believe in the right to bear arms, then maintaining safety, which creates a stronger public image for those rights, should be a high priority. […]