5 Excellent Concealed-Carry Pistols for Women

There are many concealed-carry pistols that are ideal for women, but these are five of the most reliable, popular, and effective options. They are small enough for concealment, yet load effective, balanced cartridges such as the 9mm Luger and .380 Auto. With accuracy and dependability, these are five of the top concealed-carry pistols for women… […]
When to Carry a Concealed Weapon?

Is there a right or wrong time to carry your concealed weapon? While many people understand the arguments for carrying a personal-defense weapon, there’s not enough discussion about when…
How to Become an NRA-Training Instructor

Learning proper use of a firearm is critical if you are going to carry a concealed weapon. However, if you are ready to take the next step and help others become safe, responsible owners of…
Excellent Concealed-Carry Firearms from Ruger

Strum, Ruger, and Co. Inc, best known simply as “Ruger,” is one of the most popular firearms manufacturers in the country. Based in Connecticut, this American brand makes a wide range of effective firearms, including rifles, revolvers, and pistols. While many of their handguns are effective for personal protection, these are four of the top […]
Student Walkouts and the Potential Effect on Gun Rights

One of the biggest stories in the media so far this year is the student walkouts. After the tragedy in Florida, students across the country put down their books and took to the streets in peaceful…
Always Remember Ear Protection at the Range

Ear protection is an important part of firearms use. But do you always need it? What if you’re only firing a few rounds, or firing a light, small-caliber cartridge? As you’ll see, ear protection remains important, no matter what you choose to fire. How Bad is Shooting for Your Ears? It’s one of those common-sense […]