5 Survival Purchases for Under $25

So often we get bogged down by massive goals for disaster preparedness and survival. Its not uncommon that we have these grand ideas about what it takes to survive and layer those ideas with costly purchases. For many, the best will only do. I completely understand that. If you are looking to spend money in the right places and you do this thoughtfully, I think its a good move.

Many people make the mistake of buying tons of high quality gear and skimp on the bag. In my opinion, I would rather have a high quality bag than the gear! I ask so much of my bags and they must stand up for me. They must also make travel and packing convenient.

There is quality gear out there for under $25 and I want to bring some of the best to your attention in this article. You are going to fall in love with these products. There is no doubt about it. Most of these I have or use currently. Those I don’t, have been brought to my attention by other survivalists.

Survivor Cord

Every outdoorsman knows about the benefits of high quality paracord. Its a must and probably in most peoples bags as we speak. The folks at TITAN Survival have recently taken paracord to the next level. Their survivor cord is filled not just with 5 lines of cord but with snare wire, tinder and fishing line. Its an astounding upgrade.

Combat One’s Tactical Bath

Hygiene is rarely a consideration when it comes to survival, but it is something that should be high on the list. The Tactical Bath by Combat One is powered by colloidal silver and can clean your entire body using one pack. This stuff is great for camping.

Alpha Defense Masks 

While it may seem like a simple and silly tool, these tubular, multipurpose masks are a great addition to your kit. They can be used to cover your face, head and neck, they can also be used to create a water filter, if you know your stuff. They come in tons of colors and designs. Perfect or rapid deployment in a grayman situation.

Bahco Laplander Saw

Having a reliable way to chew through thicker brush or process kindling is essential. This is a cost effective saw that opens and closes like a pocket knife. This saw has deep serrations and will make things easy on you in the dense woods.


Water is life. There is no getting around that fact. The LifeStraw is a $20 investment in assuring that you have access to clean water, no matter where you go! You should have one of these in all of your bags, incase things get ugly!

As you can see we have some great options. There are tons of great products on he market and I hope that you look these up and add them to your survival arsenal.

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