Top 5 Reasons You Should Get a Concealed Carry Permit

Reasons to Get a Concealed Carry Permit Cover

In recent years, more people are choosing to get a concealed carry permit for various reasons, ranging from personal safety to legal protection. 

However, with so many states making the jump to permitless carry (aka “constitutional carry”), you may be wondering if it’s still worth it to get a concealed carry permit. We believe so, as a permit allows individuals to carry a firearm concealed, even if their state has not yet moved to constitutional carry, and obtaining one involves responsibility, training, and adherence to local laws.

So without further ado, here are five key reasons why getting certified to apply for a concealed carry permit can be a valuable decision.

1. Enhanced Personal Safety

One of the primary reasons to obtain a concealed carry permit is to protect yourself and those who matter most in your life. In an unpredictable world, personal safety is a top priority. Carrying a concealed firearm offers an additional layer of protection, allowing you to defend yourself in situations where law enforcement may not be immediately available.

While simply carrying a firearm doesn’t guarantee safety, the proper training that typically accompanies obtaining a permit can significantly increase your ability to respond in dangerous situations (often without even having to use your firearm!). It provides a way to feel more in control of your personal security, especially when in unfamiliar or potentially risky areas.

2. Reciprocity Across States

Another important reason to get a concealed carry permit is the benefit of reciprocity. Depending on the state you live in, a concealed carry permit may be recognized in a number of other states. This means you can legally carry a concealed firearm across state lines without having to go through the process of applying for a permit in each state you visit.

If you’re someone who travels frequently, this reciprocity offers peace of mind. It allows you to maintain a consistent level of personal protection no matter where you are, as long as you adhere to the specific laws of each state. 

Get a Concealed Carry Permit - Reciprocity Map Example
Above is an example of one of the reciprocity maps we have available as a free resource on our site!

*Please note that it’s always important to do some research before traveling to find out which states honor your permit and understand their individual firearm laws.

3. Confidence with Handling a Firearm

Getting a concealed carry permit isn’t just about possessing a firearm – it’s about becoming proficient in using it safely and effectively.

Many states require firearm safety courses as part of the permit application process. These courses cover critical aspects of gun safety, including proper handling, storage, and the legal nuances of self-defense. By completing a training session, you’ll gain confidence in your ability to handle a firearm responsibly.

This confidence can also translate to other areas of life. Knowing how to properly use a firearm (as well as alternative methods of de-escalating or escaping a dangerous situation) can reduce hesitation in an emergency, ensuring you can act swiftly and safely to protect yourself or others if the need arises.

4. A Legal Framework for Carrying

Without a concealed carry permit, the legal repercussions of carrying a firearm in public can be severe. Some states have extremely strict laws regarding firearms, and carrying without a permit can lead to hefty fines, criminal charges, or even jail time. By obtaining a concealed carry permit, you’re demonstrating to law enforcement and to the public that you have taken the necessary steps to carry responsibly. 

However, because the laws surrounding firearms are so complex, a permit alone won’t protect you entirely from a legal standpoint if you do have to use your gun for self-defense. Even if you are in the right when it comes to self-defense, you may still be faced with legal troubles and fees. This is where having a prepaid legal protection plan.

Concealed Coalition actually offers the option to get this prepaid legal protection in select states through our partnership with Firearms Legal Protection. By planning ahead for the potential legal fight after the fight, you have the power to stop the worst day of your life from defining the rest of your life.

5. Increased Responsibility and Awareness

Carrying a concealed firearm is not a casual decision – it comes with a significant amount of responsibility. Obtaining a permit reinforces the idea that carrying a gun is a serious matter, and it requires awareness of your surroundings and actions at all times. The process of acquiring a permit ensures that you’re not only capable of using the firearm, but also mindful of when and how to use it.

This heightened sense of responsibility encourages you to think more critically about conflict resolution and de-escalation. When you carry a firearm, you’re more likely to avoid unnecessary confrontations, knowing the gravity of your actions and the consequences they may bring.

Get a Concealed Carry Permit - Conflict Resolution
When you choose to get a concealed carry permit, the training that comes along with it can be a valuable tool in conflict resolution and de-escalation.

Deciding to Get a Concealed Carry Permit is a Personal Choice – But a Valuable One

Obtaining a concealed carry permit offers multiple benefits, from personal safety and legal protection to increased confidence in handling a firearm. With the added advantage of reciprocity across states, you can carry with peace of mind and a clear understanding of your responsibilities as a permit holder. If you are considering this path, be sure to thoroughly research the laws in your area and commit to ongoing training to ensure safe and responsible firearm use.

Looking for this training? We’ve got the answer for you – Concealed Coalition offers online and in-person training in various locations across the country if you are pursuing your concealed carry permit. If you would like to keep up with your training more regularly, consider becoming a member of Concealed Coalition University, our online learning community. There you’ll find hundreds of hours of courses about not only firearms, but also de-escalation and situational awareness, home safety, and non-violent methods of self-defense.

State Reciprocity Maps
Map of the All States

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