The Pros and Cons of Bra Holsters

Bra Holsters

There are a few popular bra holsters on the market. Flashbang offers a variety of compatible bra holsters for women. Their flagship product has a single strap to hold your weapon to the middle of your bra. This holster can hold a medium-sized semi-auto pistol with it’s magazine. Can Can Concealment has similar products and holsters including flexible straps around your waist and thigh. 

Gun owners typically conceal their weapons at the hip or use the appendix carry.  A bra holster positions your weapon either face down or sideways across your chest. Most bra holster companies offer similar products but come with their pros and cons.


Bra holsters make your weapon easily accessible, coming out of the holster easily. This is one of the biggest selling points of bra holsters. You can quickly reach up your shirt and quickly draw your weapon. It provides a sense of security for women in multiple situations. Bra holsters are meant to offer quick access. 

Different bra and body types might result in varying experiences with holsters. If you are comfortable with the fact that a weapon is pressed against your chest, then a bra holster is right for you. Access is crucial in a self defense situation. Being able to draw a weapon and get a handle on it as quickly as possible is important to consider when looking for a holster. Quick access and concealment is something bra holsters offer. 


A bra holster con is that the weapon may dig into your chest. The holster can weigh down your bra and make you uncomfortable. Some bra holsters are not compatible or convenient for bigger or smaller chested women. Companies have products available to work around this issue. Some offer an over-the-shoulder sling that holds your weapon against your bra rather than attached to the bra itself. Common complaints have been that the screw in the strap can scratch your weapon, small chested women have a tougher time managing the holster, and that your weapon is clearly visible through your shirt. Whether these are deal breakers or not, it is definitely worth considering when deciding if a bra holster is the best option for you.

The biggest concern about bra holsters is that they point your weapon into your chest, which can be dangerous if the weapon is loaded. With any concealed weapon, safety training and confidence in handling is crucial before you start carrying. With our Concealed Coalition local and online courses available nationwide, you can feel confident in drawing, handling, loading and shooting your weapon without fear. 

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