Conceal Carry: Know the Law Before You Travel

State-by-state laws for conceal carry can be complex enough. Until, you begin crossing state lines. The issue becomes almost impossible to unravel.

While legislation is being moved forward, that could make state conceal-carry permits more like driver’s licenses (if you are legal in one state, you are legal in all). The current laws are dictated by each state. Therefore, just because you are able to carry in your home state, does not mean you are allowed to carry in another.

This makes a big difference. An activity (in this case, carrying a firearm) that is perfectly legal on one side of a state border could be a felony on the other. But like all issues in gun ownership, the ultimate responsibility is yours. It is good to stay informed.

Bottom Line: Understand the Laws Where You Travel

Ignorance of the law is no legal defense. You must be completely informed on the laws where you will travel and respect those laws. If you travel into a state where your concealed weapon is not legal, you could face charges. Felony Charges, fines, and even imprisonment. In fact, if you carry your concealed weapon into a state or city that does not recognize your permit, you are committing a felony the moment you cross the border.

We may not like it, and, to the hopes of many concealed-carry supporters across the country. The laws may change, but for now you must stay knowledgeable and respect the laws of every state when choosing to travel.

If you have any questions on specific state laws, you can consult reliable sources. Such as, the NRA’s Right to Carry Laws page or contact your state’s attorney general’s office for exact information. Just remember, in the end, knowledge of the law is your responsibility.

State Reciprocity Maps
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