The bugout and the bugout bag are both staples of the disaster preparedness community. Many people have these bags stored in their homes for that moment when they are needed most. In fact, there are a collection of bags that have a comfortable place in the inventory of a wilderness or urban survivor. Let me introduce you to a few.
BOB or Bugout Bag – A bag designed for leaving your home in a hurry and arriving at another more secluded location also known as a bugout location.
INCH Bag – I’m Never Coming Home bag which is prepared to assure you can relocate and restart. This is a depressing bag to consider.
GHB or Get Home Bag – Maybe the most important on the list. This is the bag you keep in your car to assure that you can get home safely, no matter the disaster or circumstances.
While bags are an incredible part of your emergency preparedness plans, its also important to understand that there are limitations to bags. Things like fitness, space limitation and pre-existing injuries can really hinder what you can carry.
Another helpful addition to your preparedness plans can be the use of a survival cache or caches.
SURVIVAL CACHE: A well-hidden, often buried, waterproof container that holds resources for survival.
The cache can hold things like bullets, food, water, clothing and anything else your heart desires. An effective cache to bury is a first aid cache. You can never have enough rolled gauze! Even big bags don’t have enough room for a serious trauma kit and all the first aid you should have for a long bugout.
One of the best materials for creating survival caches is PVC pipe. These pipes can be bought in many shapes and sizes. They are also very easy to waterproof.
Survival caches are best buried on the bugout route but can also be hidden around your own property in case you are kicked out of your home or your house is looted while you are away. In a collapse situation you will be able to get back on your feet with a setup of survival caches.