Should More Women Carry a Concealed Firearm?

According to a July 2017 report from Fox News, concealed-carry permit are on the rise, with 1.83 million new permits since the summer before. The report states that many of the biggest increases have come from demographics that are often the victims of violent crime, including women.

You don’t have to search long for news stories about women being victims to violent crimes. According to data from the Statistica, in 2016 there were over 1.75 female victims of violent crime in the United States, which was only slightly below the number of men. (1.8 million male victims)

Despite the reported rise in female concealed-carry permits, it appears that women still make a small fraction of the total concealed-carry owners. A report from the Crime Prevention Research Center says that in most states for which they have data, women are a minority in the total number of concealed-carry holders.

So should more women have concealed-carry firearms for personal protection?

If you believe that carrying a concealed weapon is a safe and responsible way to protect yourself and your family, then you could easily draw the conclusion that yes, more women carrying a firearm could reduce the number of female crime victims.

The Bottom Line: Concealed-Carry is a Deeply Personal Choice

Carrying a concealed weapon is a personal choice that should take into account many factors, including training, comfort with firearms, and surrounding environment. But if you are a woman and honestly believe that carrying a firearm would increase your personal safety or the safety of your family, then perhaps it’s time, at the very least, to learn more about concealed-carry permits in your area.

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