Is Firearm Training Required for Concealed Carry?

Texas Concealed Carry Gun Laws and Reciprocity

If you are seeking a concealed-carry permit, the first question you might have is whether or not you’ll need to complete firearms training. You might also wonder what form this training might take, such as classroom or range training.

Like most gun laws, whether or not training is legally required depends on the state, and the laws can be as varied as opinions on the firearms themselves. For this reason, you need to research your own state to find the answer.

If you look at the NRA’s gun-laws map, you’ll see that 11 states, including Idaho, Missouri, West Virginia, Arizona, and Maine, require no permit to carry a concealed weapon. This means that citizens of these states can carry a concealed weapon without training, because you don’t need a permit to carry.

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Other states, however, will require permits, but the processes, and whether or not you’ll need in-class and range training will depend on state laws. If training is required, the NRA’s Basic Pistol course, which is available all across the country, will satisfy the state’s requirements in most cases.

Bottomline: Complete Routine Training and Practice, Even if It’s Not Required

Owning and carrying a concealed firearm creates significant responsibility for the user. While you have a right to protect yourself and your family, you also have a responsibility to maintain proficiency, accuracy, and experience with your firearm. Training should be a  part of every gun owner’s agenda.

Whether your state requires initial training or not, you should seek high-quality education and training from an experienced instructor before carrying a firearm in public. By doing so, you’ll be better able to protect yourself while helping maintain a positive reputation for the firearms community.

State Reciprocity Maps
Map of the All States

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