What to Look For in a Concealed-Carry Jacket

If you have your concealed-carry permit, a concealed-carry jacket can be a great addition to your wardrobe, allowing you to comfortably carry your weapon in a safe manner.

But you need to take your time and select the right jacket for your specific needs.

Complete Concealment

Probably the most important part of a good concealed-carry jacket is to make sure it will provide complete concealment for your weapon. Your personal-protection weapon needs to be properly concealed at all times, so don’t wear a jacket that could allow the handle of the gun to show.

Firm Hold of the Weapon

You can’t drop the weapon loosely in a pocket. You need to keep the firearm firmly secured, so purchase a jacket that will hold the weapon properly. If the compartment is not made specifically for carrying a firearm, find a different way to carry.

Loose but Not Baggy

The jacket you select should have a nice comfortable fit, with a relatively loose feel that is not to tight. If the jacket is too tight, you could have imprinting, where the outline of your handgun is visible. Too loose, and the weapon could be swinging freely, creating a problem with proper control and safety.

Proper Compartments

Each concealed-carry jacket will have a variety of compartments for your weapon, as well as accessories such as spare magazine. Make sure the jacket you choose has the right compartments for your needs and will also firmly hold your handgun.

Don’t Buy Anything That Doesn’t Fit Your Style

You may find the perfect jacket, one that provides complete concealment, a wonderful fit, and all the right compartments for your handgun. But if you don’t like the way it looks (or the way you look while wearing it), it will likely stay in the closet. No matter what concealed-carry jacket you purchase, make sure it has the style and design you like.

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