We got a lot of bags. There is no getting around it. If you are into prepping or any form of disaster survival you know we got bags. It could be that we simply enjoy an excellent quality made bag and are simply looking for more ways to put them to use. Or, it could be that survival requires a lot. Sometimes you want it all and sometimes you just want a little bit.
Recently I purchased a smaller bag with water bladder capabilities for a trip I was taking. After spending a week with this bag, it became clear that having a bag of this size would offer us a variety of options in a short run scenario. Options that a bugout bag would just be overkill for.
I purchased the Coleman Hydration Pack and was in love with the space and the hydration options.
This bag offers 2L of water carrying capacity. It also has three distinct pockets that hold so much more than you could ever imagine. If you were going to store a minimal amount of communications, first aid and protection to assure your quick trip and return this would be the perfect bag for that.
Here are three quick methods that smaller bag could be used for.
Resource Runs
These runs may include larger duffle bags to be filled with good but for personal needs this guy would be great. It would also keep you hydrated on your journey. There is plenty of room for all of the items you might need to keep yourself safe and make the run a success along the way.
Probably the perfect bag for scouting. You could even fit a one-person tent into this thing! I would be surprise if there were a more perfect scouting bag out there. When you talk about a small bag like this one the options are many.
- Optics
- Maps
- Weapons
- Water
- Fire
- Shetler
- Navigation
You could get it all in this bag and still have room for more.
One of the most underrated practices in a survival or disaster recovery scenario is procuring intelligence. How much damage, how many people were effected and how long till relief arrives. All of this could be information you have to go and get. A small unassuming bag will make you look like less of a threat to those with answers.
If you show up with a 60L pack on asking questions you may get shooed away. Using grey man techniques and hardly appearing at all you will be able to get in close and listen for the info you need. You could also pack other intel hardware within this bag as well.
- Binoculars
- Recorders
- Cameras
- Flash Drives
Now I am not saying that this bag by Coleman is the only option. I am merely saying that you should make room for a small bag in your arsenal as well. It can give the BOB a rest and may be better suited to achieve the many goals inside of survival.