Range Bag Essentials

According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearm industry accounts for around $51.3 billion dollar impact on the United States economy.  Ammunition, holsters, sites, grips, lights, lasers, eye and ear protection, safes, magazines, magazine loaders, magazine holders, and more are available accessories that go along with using a firearm….NSSF link

A range or field bag is a very common possession whether you are going to the rage or taking your firearm in the field to hunt game.  Here are a few things that every person using a firearm should have in your possession whenever firearms are being used.

First aid kit

First aid kits are essential for range or field bags. Compact and portable, these kits contain medical grade supplies. The contents of most of the kits have everything needed to help small injuries that may occur in the field. A simple compact first aid kit can be purchased for between ten to twenty dollars.


A tourniquet is a device used to stop the flow of blood through a vein or artery, typically by compressing a limb with a cord or tight bandage. Tourniquets can stop blood loss from a traumatic injury to the extremities of the body. These devices can be applied by the injured person or a partner. Tourniquets can be purchased for less than twenty dollars and are small enough to fit into a pocket or take up a small space in the field/range bag. This is a small price to pay for something that could save a life if the worse possible scenario happens. Many training videos are posted on youtube that shows how to apply a tourniquet properly…training video

Israeli Bandage

The Israeli bandage is a bandage that can be applied directly to a wound. The bandage can be wrapped around the injured area and has a device that tightens the bandage to the wound. The Israeli bandage can help the injured person until medical help is available. The bandage comes in a compressed package and only takes a small amount of space in the field/range bag. These bandages can be purchased for less than ten dollars. Instructional videos for these devices are also on youtube…training video

Quick Clot

Quick clot bandages are bandages that contain clot accelerating properties in them. These bandages can be used directly on the wound in an attempt to stop bleeding. Quick Clot bandages can be put under the Israeli bandage or applied by themselves. These bandages can also be used for deep cuts where a tourniquet may not stop the bleeding. Quick Clot bandages are also small and can be purchased for less than twenty dollars.

These items can all help when the unexpected happens. For less than one hundred dollars and not much space in your range/field bag, these items could help save a life.

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