Concealed Carry Faux Pas To Consider

Concealed Carry Faux Pas

Concealed carry permit or license holders have a major responsibility to ensure that their actions are law-abiding and intelligent. While a majority of these decisions are common sense, others may take a bit of preparation and thought. Here are a few examples of concealed carry faux pas that a person who decides to conceal carry should consider:

Bringing a Gun to the Party

A video recently surfaced of an FBI agent dancing at a wedding. The agent decided to do a flip and his gun fell from his pants, discharged, and wounded a guest. A collective gasp let out around the entire gun community. While this is an extreme example of a concealed carry holder deciding to unwind and have a few drinks, the weapon should have been left at home.

Your Equipment Matters

Spending money on a firearm, training, concealed carry clothes, and defender bond jacket hollow points are all important purchases. Skimping on a solid concealed carry holster could make all of the other costs moot if drawing your weapon is problematic. This cost-cutting decision could cost lives.

Trigger Discipline

One of the first lessons taught in firearm safety is to not point guns at things you do not want to shoot. One should never put a finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot. The FBI agent’s weapon in the video above did not discharge until his finger touched the trigger.

Ignorance is no Excuse

Should a concealed carry holder find themselves transporting their concealed firearm across state lines, being pulled over and explaining to a police officer you are not aware of their laws won’t help your situation. To avoid this concealed carry faux pas, you should know the laws in the areas when transporting firearms. Being ignorant of these could become more than an embarrassing situation and could lead to incarceration.

Where is your Gun

At this time, our second amendment rights are scarce in certain areas. Whether entering a school, government building, or a hospital concealed carry holders should be prepared to store their gun in their vehicle. When you must disarm going into a gun free zone, having a secure place to store firearms is crucial. Lockboxes and mini safes are additional expenses that should not be skimped on.

In some cases there are several situations where conceal carry holders may have to remove their firearm. Examples include dressing rooms and restrooms. A concealed carry holder in West Bend, Wisconsin had a significantly cringe-worthy moment. A stranger had to make a Police call  at a local Starbucks, when a gun in a holster was seen on the bathroom floor. The person did not get away! They later got an arrest for “negligent handling of a dangerous weapon”.

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