How Concealed Carry Saves Lives

To some people, the thought of carrying a firearm is scary, and they would prefer to remain weapon-free. While we completely understand their point of view, there is no denying that concealed carry weapon (CCW) saves lives. People who are anti-guns should consider the positives of some people using their firearms for the greater good. The federal government’s CDC has a constraint by Congress only to use tax money for research on gun-related violence but not promote gun control. Some legislators want this restriction lifted, and states like California have established a “gun violence research center.”

As the debate on gun control in America proceeds, our mission is to amplify the unified voice of US concealed carry permit holders. To offer information to those who seek to join the concealed carry community.

Examples of Concealed Weapons Saving Lives

The news is awash with many heroic examples of passersby, domestic partners, and such who use their concealed weapons to stop dangerous situations. These good Samaritans or would-be victims are not part of law enforcement but just citizens who wish to carry concealed weapons for their safety and the safety of others.

Firstly, Craig Everette is a twenty-three-year-old combat veteran who saved his aunt’s life when her estranged husband entered their Pennsylvania house and started shooting. Lucky for her, Everette was around, and he shot the man to death.

Secondly, a psychologist wounded a deranged patient who had killed a caseworker. The psychologist had ignored facility rules prohibiting staff – other than security guards – from bringing weapons, but she did save lives.

Thirdly, a homeowner in San Antonio was returning home and walked into a burglary. He pulled a gun and held the burglars at gunpoint until the police arrived at the scene.

The above cases are just a few examples of instances where bearing a concealed weapon works to save lives, stop unlawful activity, and even to apprehend culprits. Even with a robust police force, stopping crime needs concerted efforts from civilians. It is important to note that the police cannot be omnipresent.

Heated Debate on Gun Control

Undoubtedly, the nation needs stringent gun safety laws to ensure that people are qualified to own and carry a weapon. We have heard and witnessed harrowing incidences where shooters opened fire on innocent people in places of worship, schools, nightclubs, in the streets and so on. Yes, there are angry people out there who are like to spew hate and stoke fear in America. Things have taken an interesting turn as these people are mostly angry white men: Gregory Bush (Kroger shooting); Robert Bowers (Pittsburgh synagogue shooting); and Scott Beierle (Tallahassee yoga massacre).

Stereotypes that have plagued minorities – especially black men – as being more susceptible to committing violent acts are going outside the window. Therefore, perhaps a rational discussion on gun control is long overdue. Police, sheriffs, and prosecutors have given many accounts of concealed carry saving lives, but unfortunately, this barely makes the rounds on news cycles. In the end, there are many good guys carrying guns and our streets, homes, offices; nightclubs are much safer thanks to their heroic efforts.

Want to Legally Conceal and Carry?

Download Your Certification of Competency to Carry Now.

Get it before the Laws change!

Already have your CCW but need a training? Sign up for a Concealed Coalition course today!

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