Austin Talks Being Your Own First Responder with Laura Smith

Austin Interview with Laura Smith

Last Sunday, Concealed Coalition’s National Training Director, Austin Davis, appeared on The Way Home With Laura Smith. During his segment on the show, Davis and Smith discussed the importance of training to be what Davis calls “your own first responder.”

You can listen to the full interview from The Way Home With Laura Smith above or by clicking here.

The pair opened by talking about Davis’ 30 years’ worth of experience in law enforcement, as well as some of the challenges faced by law enforcement today.

Davis pointed out that in the past, sometimes it was okay to outsource your safety to the police. However, now more than ever, the police are backlogged with 911 calls due to lack of resources and personnel. The result is a slower response time, which could result in danger for those who don’t know how to be their own first responder.

The two then pivoted to current events, discussing the recent incident in an Indianapolis mall where a concealed carry permit holder took action to stop a mass shooting.

Throughout the conversation, Davis emphasized that a firearm is only a small part of living defensively. In many situations, the potentially deadly force that comes with a firearm isn’t necessarily going to be the right solution. Instead, you’ll need to consider other tactics, such as de-escalation or an intermediate use-of-force tool like pepper spray. If lethal force is needed, then social, mental, and legal ramifications come into play, which is why it’s extremely important to train for a variety of factors before, during, and after the fight.

Don’t outsource your safety to anyone. To take the next step in being your own first responder, find a Concealed Coalition class near you, or sign up for the Concealed Coalition membership and learn to live defensively from the comfort of your own home.

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