Hurricane Preparedness: The Blueprint to Success in a Crisis

Hello Concealed Coalition family! I’m Austin Davis, your National Director of Training. This month’s webinar topic is hurricane preparedness and safety, a subject close to my heart. Before you dismiss this thinking you’re safe in Kansas, remember that hurricane preparation skills apply to many scenarios, including wildfires, grid shutdowns, and civil unrest. Living on the […]
Travel Safety Tips from National Safety Director Austin Davis (Webinar Recap)

Hello Concealed Coalition! Austin Davis, your National Director of Training here. This month’s webinar is all about travel safety — a topic I’ve been teaching for nearly three decades. Whether traveling for pleasure, business, or in my past role as a police officer, I’ve encountered a myriad of experiences, from luxurious hotels to sketchy motels […]
How to Effectively Stop Bleeding in an Emergency (Comprehensive Safety Webinar)

Hello Concealed Coalition community! Austin Davis here, your National Director of Training. This webinar is deeply personal for me because we’re discussing an absolutely essential skill: stopping the bleeding, particularly in the context of gunshot wounds. As someone who has carried a gun both personally and professionally for 30 years, I believe that if you […]
What Are Ghost Guns, and Are Ghost Guns Legal?

You’ve probably heard the term “ghost gun” uttered on the nightly news or among chatter at least once in your life, but what are ghost guns? To put it simply, a ghost gun is an unserialized and untraceable firearm. When asking “What are ghost guns?” it’s essential to understand that these guns are mostly developed […]
Training in 2024: Is it on Your New Year’s Resolutions List?

Hey there Concealed Coalition! I’ve got a question for you – how are those New Year’s resolutions working out for you? You know, every new year, we always think, “man, I’m gonna make my life better.” We set those New Year’s resolutions: I’m going to lose weight. I’m going to get some better sleep. I’m […]
Tips on Staying Focused When Your Family is Threatened

Hi, I’m Austin Davis, National Training Director for Concealed Coalition, and I’m here to answer your questions. This question comes from Nancy in Helmet, California: “How do I stay focused in an explosive situation when my family is threatened?” This is a hard question to answer efficiently, but I’ll see how I can do. Actions […]
How Well Do You REALLY Know the People in Your Neighborhood?

Hello Concealed Coalition! Quick question – how well do you actually know your neighbors? If you watch our Concealed Coalition University episode on family safety then you know we spend a lot of time talking about finding out if your neighbors are helpful, harmful, or somewhere in between. The reason I want to bring this […]
Refining Your De-Escalation Skills for the Holiday Season

Hello Concealed Coalition! Austin Davis coming to you with another crucial holiday tip. Look, I hope you have the most amazing, tranquil family coming to visit you this whole holiday season. However, for better or for worse, some of our family members have very different political beliefs and temperaments than we do. So if you […]
Improving Your Firearms Storage to Prepare for the Holidays

Hello Concealed Coalition! Austin Davis here with another holiday safety tip – this time surrounding firearms storage. Three Factors When it Comes to Firearms Storage If you’ve ever spent more than five minutes around me, you know as far as I’m concerned, there’s only three places for a firearm: Always Room for an Upgrade This […]