What Does OEM Mean in the Firearm Industry?

What does OEM mean? What does original equipment manufacturer mean? (Cover photo)

OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. This term is used in many industries, but there are nuances when used for the firearm industry. In this blog post, we’ll explain what OEM means for those who love and work with firearms. The Role of OEMs in the Firearm Industry In the world of guns, “What does […]

What Every Gun Owner Should Know about Gun Cleaning Kits

Gun cleaning kits cover

Maintaining your handgun is as crucial as owning one. With many different types of gun cleaning kits available in the market, choosing the right one can be overwhelming.  Whether you’re a seasoned shooter or a new handgun owner, understanding the nuances of firearm cleaning kits is essential. Here at Concealed Coalition, we’ve crafted a universal […]

Protect Illinois Communities Act: What’s New in January 2024

Protect Illinois Communities Act cover

In a significant move to regulate firearms in the state of Illinois, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed the Protect Illinois Communities Act (Public Act 102-1116) into law a year ago on January 10, 2023. This Act introduces new regulations regarding the sale and distribution of assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and switches in the state of […]

2A or not 2A: A Complete Breakdown of the Second Amendment

Second Amendment blog cover

When the U.S. Constitution was first ratified in September 1787, it didn’t have quite as much detail as it does today. It lacked what we now know as the Bill of Rights – a series of amendments that guarantee U.S. citizens certain rights under the law of the land. Though a bill of rights was […]

Should I Own a Gun? 10 Unfiltered Responses on Quora

Should I Own a Gun Cover Should I own a gun quora

Home defense is very important, but do you need a gun to defend yourself? This is the question many people struggle with each day. And when someone has questions, it’s only natural they’d want to reach out to others for answers. In fact, that’s how Quora became so popular. Users can ask any question they […]

Women Warriors: 10 Best Female Concealed Carry Options

Female Concealed Carry Options Cover

If you’re a female who is considering a firearms purchase and looking for a good gun for a woman, you’re in excellent company. In terms of firearms ownership, more ladies are seeking tools for self protection and safety than ever before. In fact, in 2020, guns for women made up 40% of all firearm sales, […]

Concealed Carry as a Female

There are many ways to carry a firearm, with the ultimate goals being proper concealment, easy accessibility, and safety. For men and women alike, there are methods that work equally well. Some popular ones include the inside the waistband holster, outside the waistband, belt-clip holster, an underarm holster, etc.  When it comes to concealed carry […]

3 Steps to Take When Traveling With Your Firearm

After a long year and a half of adapting to the COVID-induced boredom and stir craziness felt across the nation, your family is long overdue for a vacation. So you decide to pack up the wife, kids, the dog, the smelly coolers, and tattered beach towels for a trip to Disney World. But what about […]

Self-Defense for Senior Citizens

The elderly population is far more likely to become a victim or target of a crime or home intrusion. To protect life and property, many choose to keep a firearm in the home in the event of an emergency or break-in. Unfortunately, as we age some of our basic functions — our reflexes, cognition, and […]