Family Planning for Home Defense

Does your family know what to do in the event of a home invasion or emergency? Although crime has gone down dramatically in all categories over the past decade, with the FBI reporting a 9.5% drop in burglaries in 2019 from 2018 and a 48% drop from 2010, the threat of home invasion still exists. […]
The Pros and Cons of Bra Holsters

There are a few popular bra holsters on the market. Flashbang offers a variety of compatible bra holsters for women. Their flagship product has a single strap to hold your weapon to the middle of your bra. This holster can hold a medium-sized semi-auto pistol with it’s magazine. Can Can Concealment has similar products and […]
What is the Castle Doctrine?

Castle doctrine, A.K.A “castle law,” is necessary by firearms proponents to be an important part of protecting yourself, your family, and your home. Alongside stand-you-ground and shall-issue…
10 Gun Handling Safety Rules

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a first-time gun owner or an experienced shooter with a concealed carry permit – gun safety is paramount. On the range, at home, and anywhere else you handle…
Carrying in your vehicle: 5 Concealed carrying Rules

With gun control at the forefront of conversation in the media, CCW permit holders are more anxious than ever. All about growing measures to restrict their gun rights. This makes it all the more imperative that responsible gun owners practice safety at all times.
How Old Do You Have To Be To Purchase A Gun?

The question is… what is the legal age to purchase a gun. Do you know? To own a gun in the U.S under federal law, you must be at least 21 to buy a handgun from a licensed dealer. If the gun is…
3D Printed Guns: Fact and Fiction

Gun rights advocates keep hearing the same thing about 3D printed guns. They’re untraceable, undetectable, dangerous, fully-capable weapons that anyone can download from the internet. But whatever the gun control advocates out there will tell you, that’s just… not really what 3D printed guns are. 3D guns are typically not fully plastic. Tired of feeling unsafe? You can […]
Emergency License

On a spring morning in 2016 in Carlyss, Louisiana, Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Officer responded to a call of a breaking and entering in progress. When officers arrived on the scene they ended up…
Traditional Archery in Survival

We have been firing projectiles at potential food sources for a long time! It all started with the atlatl which was a device used to add more leverage to throwing a spear. In a sense you could say it all started with the spear but the atlatl brought a whole new level of proficiency because […]