Creating a Powerful 72 Hour Kit for Emergency Preparedness

All across this nation people are taking notice to what is happening. They are paying closer attention to things like natural disasters, gun laws and of course crime. The 72 hour kit or survival kit got in the door on the backs of preppers and survivalists. They came in on the fringe, they brought a […]
The Three Common Waistband-Carry Positions

The waistband is a common place to carry your concealed weapon, but you need to understand the pros and cons of each waistband-carry position. In general, you will find three specific options… 1. Appendix Carry Also known as the 1:00 position, the appendix carry has the weapon in front, generally between the front pants-pocket and […]
Student Walkouts and the Potential Effect on Gun Rights

One of the biggest stories in the media so far this year is the student walkouts. After the tragedy in Florida, students across the country put down their books and took to the streets in peaceful…
Remember the Fundamental Rules of Gun Safety At All Times

Gun safety is a crucial component of owning firearms. Proper handling of a firearm not only makes the practice less deadly, it also helps promote safe and responsible use; if you believe in the right to bear arms, then maintaining safety, which creates a stronger public image for those rights, should be a high priority. […]
Online Concealed-Carry Classes: Are They The Right Choice?

How to Get Permit with Online Classes According to multiple sources (see below), the only way to currently obtain your concealed-carry permit with online classes it through a license with the…
Create your Own In-Car Trauma Kit

Maybe you have thought about outfitting your home for disaster. This is great. If more people would consider their homes to be safe havens that are prepared for disaster, the nation would react much better to things like hurricanes. The home can be outfitted with a number of preps to assure you are prepared to […]
Top 5 States for Concealed-Carry Rights

What is the top state for concealed-carry laws? Everyone will have a different opinion, so we consulted a few sources in an attempt to find the answer. Methodology To make our list…
What’s the Best Cartridge for Personal Protection and Concealed Carry?

If you are considering a handgun for concealed-carry purposes, you need to take your time, do some research, and make an informed decision. While the final choice should be a personal decision, there are a few cartridges that are extremely reliable for personal protection and concealed-carry. When you know which cartridge you want to load, […]
Urban Survival Intelligence

Why is the idea of urban survival thought to be so fictitious? As a society we are merely one bad hurricane away from the people turning on one another. After hurricane Harvey I saw many families and business owners armed to the teeth outside of their homes and shops. They understood that things changed overnight. […]