How to Register Your Gun

How to Register Your Gun How to Register Your Gun Not every state requires gun owners to register their firearms, but if you live in a state that requires registration, you can find out the exact…

How To Use a Pistol Correction Chart

New shooters have a tendency to anticipate the shot or the recoil. This causes a number of errors in the accuracy of your shooting. Use the pistol correction chart to identify your bad habits and…

How To Carry A Gun

How to carry a gun.. legally! In order to legally carry a gun in public, you must obtain the proper permit. The type of gun you are allowed to carry will vary by state, as will permitting requirements…

How to Legally Carry in States Like California

Concealed carry permits have changed in recent years in the US. Almost daily, we hear new stories about armed citizens protecting each other and saving lives. Unfortunately, there are some parts…

BANNED! Combat Veteran Unable to Own Guns

An Iraq war veteran who tried to purchase a rifle recently in New Jersey, discovered that he “cannot” legally own a firearm. 61-year-old, Victor Welshans, was surprised to learn that he’s in the National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) system. Why was he so surprised? Well, Welshans has never been convicted of a crime. His […]

Legal Requirements for Safe Gun Storage

un storage laws tend to be [kind of] circumstantial. Right now, we tend to store guns however we please. Under the bed, in the nightstand, or just out on the dinner table if we think they…

Officer, I am Legally Armed

nteractions with Law Enforcement while Concealing A Firearm As a licensed conceal carry holder deciding to take your loaded firearm out into public, you may have the occasion to run into…

Mastering 3 Bushrcaft Skills for Survival

The world of bushcraft is nearly mystical. When you see a true woodsman at work you will find yourself wishing you had learned these skills, too. That’s because they speak to something that is incredibly primal. There are very few people who watch someone proficient in bushcraft and don’t get excited. Not everyone is willing […]