What You Should Know About the States Allowing Open Carry in 2021

America was built upon the right to keep and bear arms, and many Americans attach a special importance to that. Forty-seven states allow a form of open carry, but most have restrictions governing who can carry a gun and where they can do it. Open carry means a person can openly carry a gun in […]
How to Buy a Gun in Utah: A Guide to the State’s Background Check Procedures

Figuring out how to buy a gun in Utah is relatively simple because the state doesn’t have any licensing or registration requirements. You must meet specific legal standards, however, and be a resident of the state to maintain eligibility. You’ll also likely require a background check to ensure you’re legally permitted to buy a gun […]
Texas Self-Defense Laws and Use of Force: What Every Texan Should Know

There are many Texas self-defense laws that address issues pertaining to protecting yourself, your home, or a third party. Some allow the use of force in certain circumstances. Use of force must be justified, however, and that would have to be proven in court. Texas is one of 23 states that employs the Castle Doctrine […]
A Guide to the New Florida Gun Laws Proposed in 2021

Protecting your family should be your top priority, but it could become a lot more challenging if some Florida lawmakers get their way. The reason is that new Florida gun law proposals aim to make obtaining a firearm and ammunition more difficult and limit where you can carry your guns. It’s worth noting that there […]