All Treats, No Tricks: A Guide to Family Safety on Halloween

It’s a holiday known for spooky decorations, crazy costumes, and tasty treats. However, the scariest part of Halloween can be the potential risks involved with home and family safety. Thankfully, these dangers can be easily handled with some advance preparation and situational awareness. To help you out, we’ve rounded up some of the best tips […]
Myths Busted: The Supreme Court and Its Justices

“EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW” Those are the words carved above the entrance to the United States Supreme Court Building. As the name suggests, the Supreme Court is the highest court in the country. But what does the Supreme Court really do? We’re here to give you the rundown, as well as bust some myths […]
Pepper Spray: Between Profanity & Pistol

When it comes to defensive use-of-force encounters, you are only justified with using deadly force if you truly believe your life is in danger. So what happens if you’ve tried (unsuccessfully) to de-escalate a situation, but things haven’t gotten to the point of needing a firearm? This is where pepper spray comes in. What is […]
Can I Travel With Non-Firearm EDC Gear?

When packing for a trip, it’s essential to include everything you’ll need while away. With limited space in your suitcase, you may be wondering what’s the best way to pack your everyday carry (EDC) gear? The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has some stringent guidelines for what you can or cannot bring with you through their […]
What’s the Word on San Jose Gun Laws? Reddit Opens Up

THIS IS AMERICA, and in America, we live in the land of the free. We have a right to reciprocity. But what are the people of this country actually saying? And how have the laws in San Jose, California changed over the years? Here are the facts the stats and the cold hard unfiltered responses […]