Training from Home – Online Concealed Carry Training

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In today’s world, personal safety and responsible firearm ownership are paramount concerns for many individuals. Concealed Coalition stands at the forefront of providing comprehensive online concealed carry training solutions for those seeking to obtain or renew their concealed carry permits. With a blend of online and in-person courses, as well as the Concealed Coalition University […]

Empowering Women with a Ladies Concealed Carry Class

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Are you on the lookout for a unique opportunity to dive into the world of concealed carry, tailored specifically for women? At Concealed Coalition, we’re thrilled to break new ground by offering a new Ladies Concealed Carry Class. This initiative is a nod to the growing demand for a comfortable, women-centric learning environment in the […]

What’s a CCW Permit and Why Should I Get One?

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In a world where staying safe is a huge concern for many people, the choice to carry a concealed carry weapon has become increasingly popular – even in states that have become constitutional or permitless carry.  But what’s a CCW permit, exactly? “CCW” stands for “Concealed Carry Weapon.” The CCW meaning might not be a […]

OKC Concealed Carry Classes for Oklahoma Residents

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Oklahoma City, the largest city in the state of Oklahoma, is a city where responsible firearm ownership is highly valued. While Oklahoma is a permitless carry state, meaning you don’t need a permit to carry a concealed weapon, the importance of proper training cannot be overstated.  This is where OKC concealed carry classes come into […]

Childhood Trafficking: See the Signs, Know the Resources

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It’s National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Previously on our blog, we covered the basics of human trafficking as a worldwide crime. Today, we’re diving in deeper to explore trafficking as it relates to children and providing resources from organizations that specifically help individuals who have been victimized by this heinous crime. What is Childhood Trafficking? […]

Human Trafficking Prevention – Basics of the Worldwide Crime

Human Trafficking Prevention Month 2023

January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Every year since 2010, the United States Presidents have dedicated this month to raise awareness about trafficking and educate the public on how to identify and prevent it. The U.S. Department of State also extends these efforts abroad through embassies and consulates. What is Human Trafficking? Simply put, […]

Breaking the Mold: Females Shaking Up the Firearms Industry

Female Entrepreneurs in Concealed Carry

It’s no secret that in recent years, more people have sought Concealed Carry permits. But what’s staggering is the rate at which women are joining the firearms space like never before. According to John Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center, the amount of concealed carry permits grew an average of 101.2% faster for females than males […]

10 Facts You Didn’t Know About the U.S. Constitution

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On this day in 1787, the United States Constitution became the official governing document of the country. It has now been around for over two hundred years, making it the oldest document of its kind in existence. Not only is it the oldest, but it’s also remained largely unchanged since it was ratified all those […]

Self-Defense Training: Examining the Psychological Benefits

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When you think about the pros of learning self-defense, what benefits come to mind? First and foremost, you’re giving yourself the ability to protect yourself and those you love from the bad actors of the world. Physically, self-defense training can build muscle, cardiovascular strength, and flexibility. Plus, whether you realize it or not, training will […]