Identifying a Stolen Gun (And What to Do if YOUR Gun is Stolen)

Buying or owning a firearm comes with significant responsibilities, one of which is ensuring that you have one that isn’t a stolen gun. On a similar note, you may be wondering, “What do I do if MY gun is stolen?” We’re here to answer those questions for you and address best practices when you come […]
Conceal and Carry License: Here’s What to Know

Navigating the world of concealed carry can be complex, especially when it comes to understanding the nuances of obtaining and renewing a conceal and carry license. With each state having its own set of rules and regulations, it’s crucial for gun owners to stay informed. Whether you’re a seasoned firearm owner or new to the […]
Navigating the Basics of Concealed to Carry

In a world where personal safety has become more important than ever, understanding and embracing the concept of “concealed to carry” is vital. At Concealed Coalition, we recognize this need and are committed to providing you with the best training to prepare you for responsible firearm ownership and use. What Does “Concealed to Carry” Mean? […]
How To Apply For Your Concealed Carry Permit: A Complete Guide

What if you were in a life-threatening situation and didn’t have access to your firearm? Most gun owners feel a bit safer when they have their gun with them. But it may be illegal in your area to carry your gun into certain places unless you have a concealed carry license. But how does this […]
How to Build a DIY Gunshot Wound Kit

When it comes to firearms training, most people neglect this one vital skill: learning how to treat a gunshot wound. Think about it this way. If you were in a hobby of raising poisonous snakes, it would make sense to know how to deal with a snake bite because not knowing could cost you your life. If you deal with firearms, whether defensively, recreationally, or competitively, […]
Texas Moves to Constitutional Carry Sept. 1

Sept. 1, 2021, is the effective date for several new laws in Texas, one of which allows law-abiding Texans age 21 and above to carry a handgun without a license. Commonly referred to as “constitutional carry” (derived from the Second Amendment of the Constitution) or “permitless carry,” HB 1927, signed by Governor Greg Abbott, sets Texas among the ranks of four […]
How to Pick the Right Gun Safe for Your Situation

In 2020, gun sales skyrocketed to unprecedented heights as millions of Americans exercised their Second Amendment right to bear arms. As responsible gun owners it is our duty to ensure that no unauthorized person can ever gain access to our firearms, especially children. After all, gun storage and child access prevention are cornerstones of firearms […]
Concealed Carry Faux Pas To Consider

Concealed carry permit or license holders have a major responsibility to ensure that their actions are law-abiding and intelligent. While a majority of these decisions are common sense, others may…
Greater Gun Control Restrictions Only Lead to Creation of More Ghost Guns

There are CCW laws and generous gun rights that allow us to legally own firearms. In the U.S., law enforcement officials bring up ghost guns. They are illegal with no legitimate serial numbers…