Best CCW Speed Loaders For 2020

Anyone who has ever had sore and cramped thumbs from loading mags can appreciate the utility of a good speedloader. Luckily for those who shoot their CCW weapons on the range frequently…
How Concealed Carry Saves Lives

To some people, the thought of carrying a firearm is scary, and they would prefer to remain weapon-free. While we completely understand their point of view, there is no denying that concealed carry…
State-to-State: How to Legally Transport Your Guns

Great NEWS! Travel with your guns, thanks to… US Code 926A: Safe Travels With Your Firearms This is a law that guarantees your right to move your weapons, unloaded, across state lines, provided… that they are under lock and key, away from the driver. By the way, Glove compartment and console don’t count. It has to be out of […]
Range Bag Essentials

According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearm industry accounts for around $51.3 billion dollar impact on the United States economy. Ammunition, holsters, sites, grips, lights, lasers, eye and ear protection, safes, magazines, magazine loaders, magazine holders, and more are available accessories that go along with using a firearm….NSSF link A range or field […]
Pros and Cons of an Ankle Holster

In most cases, waistband carry is the logical choice for a concealed weapon. However, some people, due to body shape or work-dress requirements, cannot carry a concealed handgun at the waist. One of the alternatives to waistband carry is an ankle holster. This type of carry has advantages and drawbacks, so make sure you understand […]
Puttng the Grey Man Concept to Use

The Grey Man concept is nothing new but it is a bit a struggle to put this concept to use. From afar it would seem really cool to be operating covertly in a situation where you are looking to go unnoticed. This can be particularly helpful, as you can imagine, in a urban survival situation. […]
The Complete Guide to 1911 Frames
On March 29th, a man produced an invention that has since saved tens – if not hundreds – of thousands of lives. His name was John Moses Browning. He worked at Colt and his invention was the M1911 service pistol: A semi-automatic, short-recoil, single-stack, leaf-sight handgun that fired up to seven large, .45-caliber rounds through […]
Excellent Concealed-Carry Firearms from Ruger

Strum, Ruger, and Co. Inc, best known simply as “Ruger,” is one of the most popular firearms manufacturers in the country. Based in Connecticut, this American brand makes a wide range of effective firearms, including rifles, revolvers, and pistols. While many of their handguns are effective for personal protection, these are four of the top […]
Excellent Concealed-Carry Handguns from SIG Sauer

If you choose a concealed-carry handgun from SIG Sauer, you are likely making a wise choice. All of their forearms are reliable and consistent, but these are four of the best options for concealed-carry permit owners. P238 Built to be accurate and concealable, the P238 is an all-metal firearm that was inspired by the 1911-style […]