Concealed Carry on College Campuses: Is it a Good Idea?

Like virtually all gun-related regulations, the laws affecting concealed weapons on campus are a variety of different standards that depend on the state, the region, and even the area…
Have you considered Gold and Silver to Mitigate a Wild Economy?

As survivors and preppers understanding the benefits of precious metals is just part of the game. Do you have questions? I thought we should sit down and talk about the benefits of owning gold and silver and how they can add value to your current plans and lifestyle. If you begin buying gold and silver, […]
Gun Safes: A Essential Part of Owning a Firearm

Owning a safe and storing your weapons in a secure location is one of the pillars of firearms safety. Have you invested the time and money required for safe storage? What is Your Living Situation? If you have children in the home, owning a safe is an absolute must. This keeps your children for touching […]
Are you More of a Prepper or Survivalist

Listen, while I am not a big fan of labels they can be very helpful when it comes to research and goal setting. Without labels what would you plug into google? Still, there is a deep pit that sits in my stomach every time I am labeled as one thing or I see others boxed […]
The Survival Cache

The bugout and the bugout bag are both staples of the disaster preparedness community. Many people have these bags stored in their homes for that moment when they are needed most. In fact, there are a collection of bags that have a comfortable place in the inventory of a wilderness or urban survivor. Let me […]
Selling a Firearm? Be Sure You do the Paperwork right…

Buying and selling firearms can be tricky. State laws require firearm registration when you purchase a gun from a dealer: but what about a private party sale? Is a bill of sale enough to…
The In’s & Out’s of Online Gun Safety Classes

Gun safety is a subject that must be taken seriously. So if safety is so important then why are some states giving a thumbs up to online gun safety classes? While training on gun safety is critical to ensure the safety of the gun owner as well as the public at large, we cannot deny […]