Dry Fire Training: Does It Help A Concealed Carrier?

We don’t go out looking for trouble but at the same time we want to be able to handle trouble if it comes along. Today, ammo is in shortage depending on what part of the country you live and what type of ammo you use. You may find that the ammo you can locate is […]
Concealed Carry Faux Pas To Consider

Concealed carry permit or license holders have a major responsibility to ensure that their actions are law-abiding and intelligent. While a majority of these decisions are common sense, others may…
What is the Castle Doctrine?

Castle doctrine, A.K.A “castle law,” is necessary by firearms proponents to be an important part of protecting yourself, your family, and your home. Alongside stand-you-ground and shall-issue…
Pros and Cons: Shoulder Holsters for Concealed

Previously, we gave you information on the various waistband-carry positions. Now we’d like to take look at a debated carry style: the shoulder holster. While this carry position has a bad reputation…
How To Use a Pistol Correction Chart

New shooters have a tendency to anticipate the shot or the recoil. This causes a number of errors in the accuracy of your shooting. Use the pistol correction chart to identify your bad habits and…
Shooting Range Basics and Etiquette

Knowing basic gun range etiquette is important even when people have gone through firearm training because some still forget the basics of gun safety. If you are already certified for…
How To Get A Concealed Carry Permit

How to Get a Concealed Carry Permit The process to get a concealed carry permit varies by state. No matter where you live, you will need to identify the permitting authority in your jurisdiction and…
Best CCW Speed Loaders For 2020

Anyone who has ever had sore and cramped thumbs from loading mags can appreciate the utility of a good speedloader. Luckily for those who shoot their CCW weapons on the range frequently…
What the New “Background Check” Bill Means

Gun rights advocates, even those who tend to vote liberal on all other issues, have always had a precarious relationship with democratic lawmakers. These lawmakers tend to lead the charge…