What are “Stand-Your-Ground” Laws?

Numerous incidences have brought national attention to “stand-your-ground” laws. These laws are scrutinized from both sides, with some advocating for an expansion of stand-your-ground, while…

The Three Common Waistband-Carry Positions

The waistband is a common place to carry your concealed weapon, but you need to understand the pros and cons of each waistband-carry position. In general, you will find three specific options… 1. Appendix Carry Also known as the 1:00 position, the appendix carry has the weapon in front, generally between the front pants-pocket and […]

Are .22-Caliber Weapons Enough for Personal Defense?

There are many excellent cartridges for concealed-carry purposes, and few people argue with the effectiveness of the 9mm Luger, .45 ACP, or .357 Magnum, just to name a few. However, if you want to start a heated debate, ask two concealed-carry proponents about the viability of .22-caliber firearms; you’ll likely get two vastly different opinions […]

5 Excellent Concealed-Carry Pistols for Women

Texas Concealed Carry Gun Laws and Reciprocity Map

There are many concealed-carry pistols that are ideal for women, but these are five of the most reliable, popular, and effective options. They are small enough for concealment, yet load  effective, balanced cartridges such as the 9mm Luger and .380 Auto. With accuracy and dependability, these are five of the top concealed-carry pistols for women… […]

When to Carry a Concealed Weapon?

Is there a right or wrong time to carry your concealed weapon? While many people understand the arguments for carrying a personal-defense weapon, there’s not enough discussion about when…

How to Become an NRA-Training Instructor

Learning proper use of a firearm is critical if you are going to carry a concealed weapon. However, if you are ready to take the next step and help others become safe, responsible owners of…

Tips for Traveling Prepared

Take a vacation! Life is hard and it takes some relaxing time. It takes a little break from time to time. Not to mention, when you take a break you often hit life even harder upon your return. So, after my short philosophical rant on vacations and their importance I will follow up with: Go […]

Powering Your Emergency Electronics

The further you get from home base the more insecure you become about your electronic devices and other tools that require electricity in some form or fashion. On your regular journeys through life you may find that you are a fan of tools and electronics that charge one way or another. This could be based […]

What to Look For in a Concealed-Carry Jacket

If you have your concealed-carry permit, a concealed-carry jacket can be a great addition to your wardrobe, allowing you to comfortably carry your weapon in a safe manner. But you need to take your time and select the right jacket for your specific needs. Complete Concealment Probably the most important part of a good concealed-carry […]