Are 1911 Pistols Too Large for Concealed Carry?

1911 Pistol with .45 ACP Ammo

1911-style pistols, commonly called a “1911,” is one of the most popular types of handguns in the world. Usually loaded with the powerful and heavy .45 ACP cartridge, this handgun was created as a military sidearm (released as the M1911) but is now used for private target practice and personal protection. This style of handgun […]

Choosing Concealed-Carry Clothing

An important part of carrying a concealed weapon is choosing the right clothing. With a little thought and preparation, you can choose items that look good, keep you comfortable, and conceal your personal-protection weapon in a safe and responsible manner. Patterns Often Conceal Better When choosing shirts, look for garments with patterns and various colors, […]

Is Firearm Training Required for Concealed Carry?

Texas Concealed Carry Gun Laws and Reciprocity

If you are seeking a concealed-carry permit, the first question you might have is whether or not you’ll need to complete firearms training. You might also wonder what form this training might take…

Have you considered Gold and Silver to Mitigate a Wild Economy?

As survivors and preppers understanding the benefits of precious metals is just part of the game. Do you have questions? I thought we should sit down and talk about the benefits of owning gold and silver and how they can add value to your current plans and lifestyle. If you begin buying gold and silver, […]

Create your Own In-Car Trauma Kit

Maybe you have thought about outfitting your home for disaster. This is great. If more people would consider their homes to be safe havens that are prepared for disaster, the nation would react much better to things like hurricanes. The home can be outfitted with a number of preps to assure you are prepared to […]

Stay Safe and Stay Prepared with This 3-Tiered Preparedness Approach

The popularity of the EDC or everyday carry has grown exponentially. Its been an amazing thing to watch. In fact, its one of the ways young people are getting roped into preparedness and situational awareness. At concealed coalition we can really get behind that. The truth is, the EDC is merely one piece of a […]

Should More Women Carry a Concealed Firearm?

According to a July 2017 report from Fox News, concealed-carry permit are on the rise, with 1.83 million new permits since the summer before. The report states that many of the biggest increases have come from demographics that are often the victims of violent crime, including women. You don’t have to search long for news […]

Florida Concealed-Carry Laws

While Florida may not be at the top of the list, the Sunshine State is often considered one of the best states for gun owners, ranking #12 in 2017 according to Guns & Ammo magazine…