How Much Target Practice is Need for Concealed-Carry Firearm Owners?

As a concealed-carry owner, it’s your responsibility to maintain proficiency, accuracy, and safety with your weapon. The hope is that you never have to use your firearm to protect yourself and your loved ones, but if you do, you must be comfortable and competent. This brings us to the issue of target practice. How much […]
The Top 3 Survival Weapons to Have During a Disaster

If you want to stir up a serious debate, talk about survival weapons. Those things that you take into a collapsed world or into a situation where survival is harsh and terrible are very important to some of us. We are going to choose weapons that would not only help us survive the natural world […]
Food Preservation Tips

Food in a survival situation can come from many different sources. I must say, you will not be able to be picky here. You may hate fish, but fish is some of the easiest protein you can come by, almost as easy as bugs. It won’t be long before you realize the real struggle that […]
How Will the Current Gun Debate Affect the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act?

Finding agreement in America seems almost impossible, but virtually everyone agrees that we have a safety issue for schools and public gatherings. In the shadow of yet another horrific mass shooting…
Three First Aid Skills every Survivor and Shooter Should Know

Whether we are talking about urban survival or wilderness survival, first aid is a critical part of your training. Many people get first aid training confused with a first aid kit. Often, we try to buy our way out of learning something new. Rather than take a free first aid class we will spend lots […]
The Survival Cache

The bugout and the bugout bag are both staples of the disaster preparedness community. Many people have these bags stored in their homes for that moment when they are needed most. In fact, there are a collection of bags that have a comfortable place in the inventory of a wilderness or urban survivor. Let me […]
How “Concealed” Must You Keep a Concealed-Carry Firearm?

As a gun owner, it’s your responsibility to carry your firearm in a safe and legal manner. It’s also your responsibility to know the laws that affect your right to carry, including all state, local, and federal…
What to Consider Before Buying a Concealed-Carry Purse

Concealed-carry purses are gaining popularity. Allowing for enhanced comfort and convenience, these female-friendly accessories provide a popular yet slightly controversial way to carry a firearm. So should you use a concealed-carry purse? Like everything involving firearms, you need to be fully informed and consider all the factors before making a decision. Benefits of a Concealed-Carry […]
Is Cryptocurrency Changing the Game for Preppers?

With awareness on the rise Cryptocurrency is shaping up to be the currency of the future for many who don’t believe in big government. The question remains how will the prepper community digest the idea of an online currency? Preppers are people who believe a catastrophic disaster or emergency is likely to occur in […]