Things to Consider for Your First Gun

When looking for your first gun, it is a very personal choice. You should do your research and even ask an experienced firearm expert for assistance. They should recommend many different guns before you make that choice. Here are a few things to consider for your first gun: 12-gauge Firearms Shotguns are popular for home […]
Second Amendment Cases: Effects on Gun Rights

The Second Amendment is receiving little attention in the Supreme Court in recent years. As gun owners, we think that the constitutionality of gun ownership comes to a simple question: “Are we allowed to own guns or not?”. This question instead enlists a slew of legal arguments that can affect our gun rights. Three notable […]
What is the Castle Doctrine?

Castle doctrine, A.K.A “castle law,” is necessary by firearms proponents to be an important part of protecting yourself, your family, and your home. Alongside stand-you-ground and shall-issue…
The Best Concealed Carry Handguns

In any self-defense situation having an effective concealed carry pistol can make the difference between winning or losing the fight. You must be able to draw it quickly without snagging it on clothing or in your purse and acquire your target as rapidly…
Should States Grant Permitless Concealed Carry?

Last year, the Washington Post ran an article reporting that an increasing number of states have changed their minds. They are now allowing their residents to carry concealed weapons…
Conceal Carry: Know the Law Before You Travel

State-by-state laws for conceal carry can be complex enough. Until, you begin crossing state lines. The issue becomes almost impossible to unravel. While legislation is being moved forward…
10 Gun Handling Safety Rules

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a first-time gun owner or an experienced shooter with a concealed carry permit – gun safety is paramount. On the range, at home, and anywhere else you handle…
Florida is Re-examining its Concealed Carry Laws

In Florida, CCW permits are in the hands of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. They do this to ensure that the process is under supervision by officials who are responsible…
The Problems with Gun Control

It seems like every time there is another mass shooting or an act of terror, there are people who are pushing for more gun control. Of course, something can be done to stop the senseless gun…