What the New “Background Check” Bill Means

Gun rights advocates, even those who tend to vote liberal on all other issues, have always had a precarious relationship with democratic lawmakers. These lawmakers tend to lead the charge…

What Kind of Insurance Does a Gun-Owner Need?

When talking about firearms, does insurance cross your mind? You mostly likely only practice in safe, designated places when it comes to shooting. Perhaps you keep your guns under lock and key…

How to Legally Carry in States Like California

Concealed carry permits have changed in recent years in the US. Almost daily, we hear new stories about armed citizens protecting each other and saving lives. Unfortunately, there are some parts…

Legal Requirements for Safe Gun Storage

un storage laws tend to be [kind of] circumstantial. Right now, we tend to store guns however we please. Under the bed, in the nightstand, or just out on the dinner table if we think they…

What Firearms Will CCW Not Cover?

In any state where you can concealed-carry, a handgun is always covered. Beyond that, the law will vary from state to state. So, what firearms will CCW not cover? Surprisingly, it’s a question that…

Emergency License

On a spring morning in 2016 in Carlyss, Louisiana, Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Officer responded to a call of a breaking and entering in progress. When officers arrived on the scene they ended up…

Officer, I am Legally Armed

nteractions with Law Enforcement while Concealing A Firearm As a licensed conceal carry holder deciding to take your loaded firearm out into public, you may have the occasion to run into…