What are “Stand-Your-Ground” Laws?

Numerous incidences have brought national attention to “stand-your-ground” laws. These laws are scrutinized from both sides, with some advocating for an expansion of stand-your-ground, while…
What is “Shall Issue?”

If you look at the state information on firearms laws from the NRA, you’ll find a wide range of data ranging from purchasing laws to concealment issues. One of the items you’ll find is the…
When to Carry a Concealed Weapon?

Is there a right or wrong time to carry your concealed weapon? While many people understand the arguments for carrying a personal-defense weapon, there’s not enough discussion about when…
How to Become an NRA-Training Instructor

Learning proper use of a firearm is critical if you are going to carry a concealed weapon. However, if you are ready to take the next step and help others become safe, responsible owners of…
Student Walkouts and the Potential Effect on Gun Rights

One of the biggest stories in the media so far this year is the student walkouts. After the tragedy in Florida, students across the country put down their books and took to the streets in peaceful…
Concealed Carry on College Campuses: Is it a Good Idea?

Like virtually all gun-related regulations, the laws affecting concealed weapons on campus are a variety of different standards that depend on the state, the region, and even the area…
Online Concealed-Carry Classes: Are They The Right Choice?

How to Get Permit with Online Classes According to multiple sources (see below), the only way to currently obtain your concealed-carry permit with online classes it through a license with the…
5 Worst States for Concealed-Carry and Gun Ownership Rights

Previously, we provided an article on the Top 5 States for Concealed-Carry Rights, which highlighted the best states for laws related to concealed carry and personal protection. Now, we’d like to look…
Is Firearm Training Required for Concealed Carry?

If you are seeking a concealed-carry permit, the first question you might have is whether or not you’ll need to complete firearms training. You might also wonder what form this training might take…