The Pros and Cons of Bra Holsters

There are a few popular bra holsters on the market. Flashbang offers a variety of compatible bra holsters for women. Their flagship product has a single strap to hold your weapon to the middle of your bra. This holster can hold a medium-sized semi-auto pistol with it’s magazine. Can Can Concealment has similar products and […]
Concealed Carry Permits Surge Across America

According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, the number of concealed carry permits in the United States surged to over 17.25 million since March. They also report that more than 2 million guns are being purchased per month since March. The Brookings Institute cites this uptick to Americans feeling concerned about their personal security. This […]
Self Defense or Lethal Force?

Gun owners know the general rule of thumb for self defense: only use lethal force when necessary. The problem with self defense cases are the gray areas in the law between self defense and lethal force. Depending on many factors, a self defense case that seems straight forward at first might be considered extreme later. The […]
Concealed Carry Faux Pas To Consider

Concealed carry permit or license holders have a major responsibility to ensure that their actions are law-abiding and intelligent. While a majority of these decisions are common sense, others may…
What is the Castle Doctrine?

Castle doctrine, A.K.A “castle law,” is necessary by firearms proponents to be an important part of protecting yourself, your family, and your home. Alongside stand-you-ground and shall-issue…
Pros and Cons: Shoulder Holsters for Concealed

Previously, we gave you information on the various waistband-carry positions. Now we’d like to take look at a debated carry style: the shoulder holster. While this carry position has a bad reputation…
Greater Gun Control Restrictions Only Lead to Creation of More Ghost Guns

There are CCW laws and generous gun rights that allow us to legally own firearms. In the U.S., law enforcement officials bring up ghost guns. They are illegal with no legitimate serial numbers…
Carrying in your vehicle: 5 Concealed carrying Rules

With gun control at the forefront of conversation in the media, CCW permit holders are more anxious than ever. All about growing measures to restrict their gun rights. This makes it all the more imperative that responsible gun owners practice safety at all times.
What the New “Background Check” Bill Means

Gun rights advocates, even those who tend to vote liberal on all other issues, have always had a precarious relationship with democratic lawmakers. These lawmakers tend to lead the charge…