Pros and Cons of an Ankle Holster

Ankles of man walking down steps

In most cases, waistband carry is the logical choice for a concealed weapon. However, some people, due to body shape or work-dress requirements, cannot carry a concealed handgun at the waist. One of the alternatives to waistband carry is an ankle holster. This type of carry has advantages and drawbacks, so make sure you understand […]

Excellent Concealed-Carry Handguns from Kimber

There are many brands that create outstanding handguns, but Kimber has one of the finest reputations for quality, accuracy, and reliability. They are generally considered one of the top values in handguns, and are well known for their 1911-style pistols. Let’s take a look at three of Kimber’s top options for concealed carry so you […]

Puttng the Grey Man Concept to Use

The Grey Man concept is nothing new but it is a bit a struggle to put this concept to use. From afar it would seem really cool to be operating covertly in a situation where you are looking to go unnoticed. This can be particularly helpful, as you can imagine, in a urban survival situation. […]

Creating a Powerful 72 Hour Kit for Emergency Preparedness

All across this nation people are taking notice to what is happening. They are paying closer attention to things like natural disasters, gun laws and of course crime. The 72 hour kit or survival kit got in the door on the backs of preppers and survivalists. They came in on the fringe, they brought a […]

Take a Quick Preparedness Assessment

Today we brought you a preparedness assessment. This is from a website called the and will offer you some insight on your own preparedness plans and where you fall on the spectrum. If we are not measuring ourselves than we cannot be sure of where we fall on the preparedness spectrum. One of the […]

The Three Common Waistband-Carry Positions

The waistband is a common place to carry your concealed weapon, but you need to understand the pros and cons of each waistband-carry position. In general, you will find three specific options… 1. Appendix Carry Also known as the 1:00 position, the appendix carry has the weapon in front, generally between the front pants-pocket and […]

What is “Shall Issue?”

If you look at the state information on firearms laws from the NRA, you’ll find a wide range of data ranging from purchasing laws to concealment issues. One of the items you’ll find is the…

5 Excellent Concealed-Carry Pistols for Women

Texas Concealed Carry Gun Laws and Reciprocity Map

There are many concealed-carry pistols that are ideal for women, but these are five of the most reliable, popular, and effective options. They are small enough for concealment, yet load  effective, balanced cartridges such as the 9mm Luger and .380 Auto. With accuracy and dependability, these are five of the top concealed-carry pistols for women… […]

How to Become an NRA-Training Instructor

Learning proper use of a firearm is critical if you are going to carry a concealed weapon. However, if you are ready to take the next step and help others become safe, responsible owners of…