What to Look For in a Concealed-Carry Jacket

If you have your concealed-carry permit, a concealed-carry jacket can be a great addition to your wardrobe, allowing you to comfortably carry your weapon in a safe manner. But you need to take your time and select the right jacket for your specific needs. Complete Concealment Probably the most important part of a good concealed-carry […]
How Much Does NRA Basic Pistol Class Cost?

At Conceal Coalition, we strongly believe in the rights of citizens to carry the appropriate weapons needed to defend themselves. We also believe that everyone who carries, regardless of the law, should have extensive education and experience. Whether or not that training should be a mandatory requirement is another matter, but having a proficient understanding […]
What is the Appropriate Age to Teach a Child Gun Safety?

We’ve discussed the importance of gun safety training for adults, especially those that choose to carry a concealed weapon. But if you’re a parent? You’re probably wondering, like many parents, when to introduce your children to firearms and gun safety. While it will depend on your personal comfort level and the child’s maturity, there are […]
Understanding the Three Basic Holster Types

Are you trying to choose a holster type for your concealed-carry handgun? Take a look at the three common types to see which one may be right for you. Waistband Holster The waistband holster is likely the most common of all concealed-carry holster types. With a waistband holster, you have the option of three different […]
Online Concealed-Carry Classes: Are They The Right Choice?

How to Get Permit with Online Classes According to multiple sources (see below), the only way to currently obtain your concealed-carry permit with online classes it through a license with the…
5 Worst States for Concealed-Carry and Gun Ownership Rights

Previously, we provided an article on the Top 5 States for Concealed-Carry Rights, which highlighted the best states for laws related to concealed carry and personal protection. Now, we’d like to look…
Should More Women Carry a Concealed Firearm?

According to a July 2017 report from Fox News, concealed-carry permit are on the rise, with 1.83 million new permits since the summer before. The report states that many of the biggest increases have come from demographics that are often the victims of violent crime, including women. You don’t have to search long for news […]
Pistol or Revolver for Concealed Carry?

It’s perhaps the most debated issue in firearms: revolver verse pistol for concealed carry. Should you carry a “wheel gun” or a semiautomatic pistol with a magazine in the handle? There really is no wrong answer, and plenty of smart, experienced, and informed gun experts will completely disagree on the subject. While we can’t settle […]
Gun Safes: A Essential Part of Owning a Firearm

Owning a safe and storing your weapons in a secure location is one of the pillars of firearms safety. Have you invested the time and money required for safe storage? What is Your Living Situation? If you have children in the home, owning a safe is an absolute must. This keeps your children for touching […]