Top 5 States for Concealed-Carry Rights

What is the top state for concealed-carry laws? Everyone will have a different opinion, so we consulted a few sources in an attempt to find the answer. Methodology To make our list…

Essential Tips for Choosing a Concealed-Carry Holster

You likely spent weeks, months, or even years selecting the right handgun for your concealed-carry needs. You’ve tried various cartridges, considered the differences between revolvers and pistols, and meticulously reviewed the top handgun manufacturers. So why would you choose the first holster available? If you are going to conceal-carry a firearm, you must take your […]

Top Firearms Brands for Concealed Carry

With so many options, choosing the right handgun for your specific needs can be difficult. However, if you start your search with these brands, you’ll likely find the perfect weapon for a comfortable carry while maintaining safety, accuracy, and reliability. Glock Glock is one of the most trusted names in firearms, so if you are […]

What’s the Best Cartridge for Personal Protection and Concealed Carry?

If you are considering a handgun for concealed-carry purposes, you need to take your time, do some research, and make an informed decision. While the final choice should be a personal decision, there are a few cartridges that are extremely reliable for personal protection and concealed-carry. When you know which cartridge you want to load, […]

Urban Survival Intelligence

Why is the idea of urban survival thought to be so fictitious? As a society we are merely one bad hurricane away from the people turning on one another. After hurricane Harvey I saw many families and business owners armed to the teeth outside of their homes and shops. They understood that things changed overnight. […]

What to Consider Before Buying a Concealed-Carry Purse

Concealed-carry purses are gaining popularity. Allowing for enhanced comfort and convenience, these female-friendly accessories provide a popular yet slightly controversial way to carry a firearm. So should you use a concealed-carry purse? Like everything involving firearms, you need to be fully informed and consider all the factors before making a decision. Benefits of a Concealed-Carry […]

Is Cryptocurrency Changing the Game for Preppers?


     With awareness on the rise Cryptocurrency is shaping up to be the currency of the future for many who don’t believe in big government. The question remains how will the prepper community digest the idea of an online currency? Preppers are people who believe a catastrophic disaster or emergency is likely to occur in […]