A Gun Buyer’s Guide to Background Checks in Pennsylvania

Gun laws in Pennsylvania are relatively relaxed, as no license is required to purchase a firearm in the state. You will need a concealed carry permit, however, if you wish to carry your gun in public. There is a statewide database tracking purchases, too, and background checks in Pennsylvania are necessary for residents and nonresidents […]
How to Buy a Gun in Wisconsin

There aren’t many steps you’ll have to complete before buying a gun in Wisconsin, because the state has some of the country’s most relaxed regulations. Purchasing a firearm is relatively straightforward if you’re eligible to own a gun under federal law. Learning the gun-buying process is a good idea, though, because it ensures you meet […]
Buying a Gun in Georgia: A Step-By-Step Guide

Learning about the steps for buying a gun in Georgia is important because you don’t want to break any laws or end up leaving the shop empty-handed. The good news is that the process is relatively simple in the state, because there isn’t much government oversight or licensing required. Most restrictions on gun buying are […]
How to Buy a Gun in Utah: A Guide to the State’s Background Check Procedures

Figuring out how to buy a gun in Utah is relatively simple because the state doesn’t have any licensing or registration requirements. You must meet specific legal standards, however, and be a resident of the state to maintain eligibility. You’ll also likely require a background check to ensure you’re legally permitted to buy a gun […]
Protecting Your Family During A Home Invasion

It’s after midnight. You hear glass breaking at the other end of the house and your front door opens – its a home invasion. You jump out of bed and grab your concealed. Staying in your safe room is what you have practiced but in walks your daughter from the next room. You secure her […]
10 Gun Handling Safety Rules

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a first-time gun owner or an experienced shooter with a concealed carry permit – gun safety is paramount. On the range, at home, and anywhere else you handle…
How to Register Your Gun

How to Register Your Gun How to Register Your Gun Not every state requires gun owners to register their firearms, but if you live in a state that requires registration, you can find out the exact…
How To Get A Concealed Carry Permit

How to Get a Concealed Carry Permit The process to get a concealed carry permit varies by state. No matter where you live, you will need to identify the permitting authority in your jurisdiction and…
How To Apply For A Concealed To Carry Permit

How to Apply for a Concealed to Carry Permit In order to obtain your concealed to carry permit, you must first identify the proper permitting authority in your area. You can find this online based on…