3 Steps to Take When Traveling With Your Firearm

After a long year and a half of adapting to the COVID-induced boredom and stir craziness felt across the nation, your family is long overdue for a vacation. So you decide to pack up the wife, kids, the dog, the smelly coolers, and tattered beach towels for a trip to Disney World. But what about […]
Self-Defense for Senior Citizens

The elderly population is far more likely to become a victim or target of a crime or home intrusion. To protect life and property, many choose to keep a firearm in the home in the event of an emergency or break-in. Unfortunately, as we age some of our basic functions — our reflexes, cognition, and […]
How to Build a DIY Gunshot Wound Kit

When it comes to firearms training, most people neglect this one vital skill: learning how to treat a gunshot wound. Think about it this way. If you were in a hobby of raising poisonous snakes, it would make sense to know how to deal with a snake bite because not knowing could cost you your life. If you deal with firearms, whether defensively, recreationally, or competitively, […]
How to Help Hurricane Ida Victims

On Sunday, August 29th, the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Ida struck the Gulf Coast. The Category 4 storm pummelled the Louisiana coast, knocking down trees and buildings, leaving millions without power, and causing at least two confirmed death in the state. Even now that Ida has been downgraded to a tropical storm on […]
Texas Moves to Constitutional Carry Sept. 1

Sept. 1, 2021, is the effective date for several new laws in Texas, one of which allows law-abiding Texans age 21 and above to carry a handgun without a license. Commonly referred to as “constitutional carry” (derived from the Second Amendment of the Constitution) or “permitless carry,” HB 1927, signed by Governor Greg Abbott, sets Texas among the ranks of four […]
The One-Sentence Conversation Every Parent Needs to Have With Their Kids About Guns

(No Matter Where You Stand On the Topic) “Daddy! Daddy! I see a gun!”, my four-year old daughter shrieked as she ran to my side. Naturally, my response was a mixture of both panic and confusion with a million thoughts flashing across my mind. A firearm is out in the open in my house? Around […]
Family Planning for Home Defense

Does your family know what to do in the event of a home invasion or emergency? Although crime has gone down dramatically in all categories over the past decade, with the FBI reporting a 9.5% drop in burglaries in 2019 from 2018 and a 48% drop from 2010, the threat of home invasion still exists. […]
How to Pick the Right Gun Safe for Your Situation

In 2020, gun sales skyrocketed to unprecedented heights as millions of Americans exercised their Second Amendment right to bear arms. As responsible gun owners it is our duty to ensure that no unauthorized person can ever gain access to our firearms, especially children. After all, gun storage and child access prevention are cornerstones of firearms […]
The Pros and Cons of Bra Holsters

There are a few popular bra holsters on the market. Flashbang offers a variety of compatible bra holsters for women. Their flagship product has a single strap to hold your weapon to the middle of your bra. This holster can hold a medium-sized semi-auto pistol with it’s magazine. Can Can Concealment has similar products and […]