Concealed Carry Faux Pas To Consider

Concealed Carry Faux Pas

Concealed carry permit or license holders have a major responsibility to ensure that their actions are law-abiding and intelligent. While a majority of these decisions are common sense, others may…

What is the Castle Doctrine?

What is the Castle Doctrine

Castle doctrine, A.K.A “castle law,” is necessary by firearms proponents to be an important part of protecting yourself, your family, and your home. Alongside stand-you-ground and shall-issue…

Pros and Cons: Shoulder Holsters for Concealed

pros nd cons of shoulder holsters

Previously, we gave you information on the various waistband-carry positions. Now we’d like to take look at a debated carry style: the shoulder holster. While this carry position has a bad reputation…

The Best Concealed Carry Handguns

Concealed Carry Handguns

In any self-defense situation having an effective concealed carry pistol can make the difference between winning or losing the fight. You must be able to draw it quickly without snagging it on clothing or in your purse and acquire your target as rapidly…

Conceal Carry: Know the Law Before You Travel

State-by-state laws for conceal carry can be complex enough. Until, you begin crossing state lines. The issue becomes almost impossible to unravel. While legislation is being moved forward…

Best Gadgets For Your Firearm

In the firearms industry, manufacturers are constantly creating new gadgets to be integrated into firearms. With each passing year, these gadgets become more and more advanced, offering…

10 Gun Handling Safety Rules

gun handling

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a first-time gun owner or an experienced shooter with a concealed carry permit – gun safety is paramount. On the range, at home, and anywhere else you handle…

How to Register Your Gun

How to Register Your Gun How to Register Your Gun Not every state requires gun owners to register their firearms, but if you live in a state that requires registration, you can find out the exact…