Training in 2024: Is it on Your New Year’s Resolutions List?

Hey there Concealed Coalition! I’ve got a question for you – how are those New Year’s resolutions working out for you? You know, every new year, we always think, “man, I’m gonna make my life better.” We set those New Year’s resolutions: I’m going to lose weight. I’m going to get some better sleep. I’m […]
Safety Strategies for Runners: Webinar Recap

What would you do if you were alone and confronted with a very real threat to your personal safety? Typically there are three courses of action: fight, flight, or freeze. You may think “oh it wouldn’t ever happen to me,” but that’s falling into the trap of what we call “normalcy bias.” In fact, this […]
Tips on Staying Focused When Your Family is Threatened

Hi, I’m Austin Davis, National Training Director for Concealed Coalition, and I’m here to answer your questions. This question comes from Nancy in Helmet, California: “How do I stay focused in an explosive situation when my family is threatened?” This is a hard question to answer efficiently, but I’ll see how I can do. Actions […]
How Well Do You REALLY Know the People in Your Neighborhood?

Hello Concealed Coalition! Quick question – how well do you actually know your neighbors? If you watch our Concealed Coalition University episode on family safety then you know we spend a lot of time talking about finding out if your neighbors are helpful, harmful, or somewhere in between. The reason I want to bring this […]
Refining Your De-Escalation Skills for the Holiday Season

Hello Concealed Coalition! Austin Davis coming to you with another crucial holiday tip. Look, I hope you have the most amazing, tranquil family coming to visit you this whole holiday season. However, for better or for worse, some of our family members have very different political beliefs and temperaments than we do. So if you […]
Improving Your Firearms Storage to Prepare for the Holidays

Hello Concealed Coalition! Austin Davis here with another holiday safety tip – this time surrounding firearms storage. Three Factors When it Comes to Firearms Storage If you’ve ever spent more than five minutes around me, you know as far as I’m concerned, there’s only three places for a firearm: Always Room for an Upgrade This […]
How to Respond When You’re Asked for Gun Recommendations

Hello Concealed Coalition! Austin Davis here with another holiday tip for you. Since you are part of the Concealed Coalition family, you are likely known as the go-to gun person in your social circle. So this holiday season, you may get someone asking you, “Hey, what type of gun do you carry, and what type […]
Concealed Coalition Holiday Gift Guide: Personal Pepper Spray

Hello Concealed Coalition! Austin Davis here with a holiday thought: this year, maybe think about giving the gift of safety. We all have those people in our lives that we really want to give a gift – but a thoughtful holiday gift. Something that says, “we love you and we care about you” without breaking […]
Do You Know if Your Gun is Stolen? Austin Answers

Hi, I’m Austin Davis, Director of Training for Concealed Coalition. Our Coalition members regularly send me questions, and today’s question is, “Hey Austin, how do I tell if a gun is stolen?” Finding Out Whether a Gun is Stolen How to tell if a gun is stolen is an interesting question, and one that doesn’t […]