Breaking the Mold: Females Shaking Up the Firearms Industry

Female Entrepreneurs in Concealed Carry

It’s no secret that in recent years, more people have sought Concealed Carry permits. But what’s staggering is the rate at which women are joining the firearms space like never before. According to John Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center, the amount of concealed carry permits grew an average of 101.2% faster for females than males […]

Stressed Out? Taking a Self-Defense Course Could Help.

Self-Defense & Stress Cover

Stress. It’s a feeling that everyone experiences at one time or another. These nerves can be caused by a number of factors, such as responsibilities at work and school, or familial or financial decisions. Understandably, another source of stress for many people is the inherent risks of the increasingly dangerous world around us. In honor […]

Hook, Line, and Sinker: Protecting Yourself From Phishing

Phishing Blog Cover

Phishing: It may sound like a fun summer activity, but change a few letters and throw in some criminal intent and you’ve got a genuine cybersecurity threat. Wondering what in the world we’re referring to? Phishing is the practice of cybercriminals contacting targets digitally while pretending to be a legitimate organization. Their goal is to […]

What’s a Personal Firearms Record Form and Why Do I Need It?

Personal Firearms Record Form Cover

Have you, a family member, or a close friend ever had one or more guns stolen? Gun theft is both heartbreaking and a very common crime since guns get stolen pretty much every minute of every day in America from homes, vehicles, work, or any place a criminal can get unsecured access to them. This […]

Feel Safer as a Senior With These Tips for Carrying

You’ve probably heard the stereotypes: the sweet little old lady down the block who enjoys her early bird discount dinners, or the older gentleman next door who offers nuggets of wisdom before telling those darn kids to get off his lawn. Stereotypes aside though, we all have loved ones in our life who fall into […]

Rock the Vote: Your National Voter Registration Day Guide

National Voter Registration Day Cover

Are you a registered voter? If not, you’re not alone. According to the U.S. Census in 2020, nearly one in four eligible Americans were not registered to vote. Every year, millions of Americans continue to miss out on their right to vote due to registration problems or missed deadlines. National Voter Registration Day hopes to […]

10 Facts You Didn’t Know About the U.S. Constitution

Constitution Day blog cover

On this day in 1787, the United States Constitution became the official governing document of the country. It has now been around for over two hundred years, making it the oldest document of its kind in existence. Not only is it the oldest, but it’s also remained largely unchanged since it was ratified all those […]

Becoming Your Own First Responder in Today’s Complex World

First Responder Webinar Cover

Prior to the creation of the first formal police department in 1838, people had to take a more hands-on approach to living defensively, acting as their own first responders. Now almost 200 years later, we’re coming full circle with the need to be your own first responder in an emergency situation. What do we mean […]

The Hidden Killer Plaguing Law Enforcement, First Responders, and Veterans

Suicide Prevention First Responders Cover

Concealed Coalition’s National Training Director Austin Davis contributed to this piece, drawing on over 30 years’ experience in law enforcement. More than 20 veterans and active-duty military take their own lives every day in America. In fact, the suicide rate for this group is 1.5 times higher than that of the general population. Think about […]