Traditional Archery in Survival

We have been firing projectiles at potential food sources for a long time! It all started with the atlatl which was a device used to add more leverage to throwing a spear. In a sense you could say it all started with the spear but the atlatl brought a whole new level of proficiency because […]
Mastering 3 Bushrcaft Skills for Survival

The world of bushcraft is nearly mystical. When you see a true woodsman at work you will find yourself wishing you had learned these skills, too. That’s because they speak to something that is incredibly primal. There are very few people who watch someone proficient in bushcraft and don’t get excited. Not everyone is willing […]
Fitness that Fits Survival

Physical fitness and diet have exploded in this nation and there are a million and one ways that you can go now. In fact, I dare say it has all become a bit religious. This could be do to the fact that we are still the most obese nation in the world and the youth […]
Puttng the Grey Man Concept to Use

The Grey Man concept is nothing new but it is a bit a struggle to put this concept to use. From afar it would seem really cool to be operating covertly in a situation where you are looking to go unnoticed. This can be particularly helpful, as you can imagine, in a urban survival situation. […]
Creating a Powerful 72 Hour Kit for Emergency Preparedness

All across this nation people are taking notice to what is happening. They are paying closer attention to things like natural disasters, gun laws and of course crime. The 72 hour kit or survival kit got in the door on the backs of preppers and survivalists. They came in on the fringe, they brought a […]
Take a Quick Preparedness Assessment

Today we brought you a preparedness assessment. This is from a website called the and will offer you some insight on your own preparedness plans and where you fall on the spectrum. If we are not measuring ourselves than we cannot be sure of where we fall on the preparedness spectrum. One of the […]
Survival Gloves to Protect Your Hands

Survival Gloves to Protect Your Hands Your hands are everything. In fact, the human hand and the mind is the combination that has seated us high atop the food chain. I guess its arguable that civilization has a lot to do with it as well. Still, the idea of survival with one hand injured is […]
Foraging for Food in the Wild

Foraging for Food in the Wild For most people, the idea of food from the wild comes down to hunting or fishing. These are two methods that will get you food from the wild. Still, there is another world out there, if you take the time to learn about it. Of course, I am talking […]
Tips for Traveling Prepared

Take a vacation! Life is hard and it takes some relaxing time. It takes a little break from time to time. Not to mention, when you take a break you often hit life even harder upon your return. So, after my short philosophical rant on vacations and their importance I will follow up with: Go […]