Supply Run Bag

We got a lot of bags. There is no getting around it. If you are into prepping or any form of disaster survival you know we got bags. It could be that we simply enjoy an excellent quality made bag and are simply looking for more ways to put them to use. Or, it could […]
Powering Your Emergency Electronics

The further you get from home base the more insecure you become about your electronic devices and other tools that require electricity in some form or fashion. On your regular journeys through life you may find that you are a fan of tools and electronics that charge one way or another. This could be based […]
Have you considered Gold and Silver to Mitigate a Wild Economy?

As survivors and preppers understanding the benefits of precious metals is just part of the game. Do you have questions? I thought we should sit down and talk about the benefits of owning gold and silver and how they can add value to your current plans and lifestyle. If you begin buying gold and silver, […]
Create your Own In-Car Trauma Kit

Maybe you have thought about outfitting your home for disaster. This is great. If more people would consider their homes to be safe havens that are prepared for disaster, the nation would react much better to things like hurricanes. The home can be outfitted with a number of preps to assure you are prepared to […]
Stay Safe and Stay Prepared with This 3-Tiered Preparedness Approach

The popularity of the EDC or everyday carry has grown exponentially. Its been an amazing thing to watch. In fact, its one of the ways young people are getting roped into preparedness and situational awareness. At concealed coalition we can really get behind that. The truth is, the EDC is merely one piece of a […]
Expanding your Outdoor Experience with 3 Powerful Bushcraft Skills

More and more Americans are heading into the wilderness each year. The outdoor adventure industry is massive and estimated at 887 billion dollars, with a B! And ya know what? Its for good reason. People are rushing out into the woods to escape the “lives of quiet desperation” most lead. They are looking for a […]
5 Survival Purchases for Under $25

So often we get bogged down by massive goals for disaster preparedness and survival. Its not uncommon that we have these grand ideas about what it takes to survive and layer those ideas with costly purchases. For many, the best will only do. I completely understand that. If you are looking to spend money in […]
Are you More of a Prepper or Survivalist

Listen, while I am not a big fan of labels they can be very helpful when it comes to research and goal setting. Without labels what would you plug into google? Still, there is a deep pit that sits in my stomach every time I am labeled as one thing or I see others boxed […]
The Top 3 Survival Weapons to Have During a Disaster

If you want to stir up a serious debate, talk about survival weapons. Those things that you take into a collapsed world or into a situation where survival is harsh and terrible are very important to some of us. We are going to choose weapons that would not only help us survive the natural world […]