Training from Home – Online Concealed Carry Training

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In today’s world, personal safety and responsible firearm ownership are paramount concerns for many individuals. Concealed Coalition stands at the forefront of providing comprehensive online concealed carry training solutions for those seeking to obtain or renew their concealed carry permits. With a blend of online and in-person courses, as well as the Concealed Coalition University […]

Empowering Women with a Ladies Concealed Carry Class

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Are you on the lookout for a unique opportunity to dive into the world of concealed carry, tailored specifically for women? At Concealed Coalition, we’re thrilled to break new ground by offering a new Ladies Concealed Carry Class. This initiative is a nod to the growing demand for a comfortable, women-centric learning environment in the […]

What’s a CCW Permit and Why Should I Get One?

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In a world where staying safe is a huge concern for many people, the choice to carry a concealed carry weapon has become increasingly popular – even in states that have become constitutional or permitless carry.  But what’s a CCW permit, exactly? “CCW” stands for “Concealed Carry Weapon.” The CCW meaning might not be a […]

The Ultimate Online Personal Defense Course to Protect Home & Family

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When it comes to self protection courses, you have several options. If you’re looking for firearm safety classes for the purpose of meeting state requirements for CCW permit certification, online and in-person training is available.  Whether you do it online or in-person depends on what your state requires, of course. Or if you’re looking for […]

Concealed Coalition Introduces the Virtual Tactical Academy

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Use of a defensive firearm in stopping a violent criminal act is far more involved than the operation of the firearm. The civilian and Law Enforcement industry as a whole has left a significant training void in focusing on the operation of the firearm without any relevant focus on how we retain information, acquire relevant […]

Concealed Coalition University – Situational Awareness

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As a responsible legal gun owner, what is the one primary skill that stands above all others? Situational Awareness. What is Situational Awareness? Simply put, situational awareness is knowing what is going on around us and how it relates to us. It involves drawing a kind of mental map that helps us understand where we […]

Concealed Coalition University – Danger of Normalcy Bias

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One of the real risks in being situationally aware as it relates to personal protection is a term called normalcy bias. In 99.9% of our lives, what happens around us is harmless, and there’s a perfectly logical explanation for it. But when that .1% or so happens, the denial of reality can cause real harm. […]

9 Women’s Gun Groups: Sparking Fire in 2022

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With almost half of firearm owners in the USA women, it is no surprise at all that women’s gun groups are on the rise. But why has this happened, and in what way are some of the female gun owners out there organizing? Below, we provide resources to find groups of women who carry or concealed carry in […]

Dry Fire Training: Does It Help A Concealed Carrier?

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We don’t go out looking for trouble but at the same time we want to be able to handle trouble if it comes along. Today, ammo is in shortage depending on what part of the country you live and what type of ammo you use. You may find that the ammo you can locate is […]