Always Remember Ear Protection at the Range

Florida Concealed Carry Laws and Reciprocity

Ear protection is an important part of firearms use. But do you always need it? What if you’re only firing a few rounds, or firing a light, small-caliber cartridge? As you’ll see, ear protection remains important, no matter what you choose to fire. How Bad is Shooting for Your Ears? It’s one of those common-sense […]

Remember the Fundamental Rules of Gun Safety At All Times

Gun safety is a crucial component of owning firearms. Proper handling of a firearm not only makes the practice less deadly, it also helps promote safe and responsible use; if you believe in the right to bear arms, then maintaining safety, which creates a stronger public image for those rights, should be a high priority. […]

How Much Does NRA Basic Pistol Class Cost?

At Conceal Coalition, we strongly believe in the rights of citizens to carry the appropriate weapons needed to defend themselves. We also believe that everyone who carries, regardless of the law, should have extensive education and experience. Whether or not that training should be a mandatory requirement is another matter, but having a proficient understanding […]

The Importance of Gun Safety Training

There is a lot of disagreement when it comes to firearms. However, there is one topic that almost no one disagrees with: the importance of firearms safety training. From learning to shoot a .22-caliber rifle as a youth to learning responsible draw-and-fire practices for a concealed handgun, the need for safety training is universally accepted. […]

Concealed-Carry Pistol: Should a Cartridge be Chambered?

It’s one of the most common questions for new handgun owners and concealed-carry permit holders: should you carry a round in the chamber of a pistol? Having a round in the chamber means the firearm is ready to shoot with the squeeze of a trigger, and while there are disagreements, many experts feel that keeping […]

Is Firearm Training Required for Concealed Carry?

Texas Concealed Carry Gun Laws and Reciprocity

If you are seeking a concealed-carry permit, the first question you might have is whether or not you’ll need to complete firearms training. You might also wonder what form this training might take…

Should More Women Carry a Concealed Firearm?

According to a July 2017 report from Fox News, concealed-carry permit are on the rise, with 1.83 million new permits since the summer before. The report states that many of the biggest increases have come from demographics that are often the victims of violent crime, including women. You don’t have to search long for news […]

How Much Target Practice is Need for Concealed-Carry Firearm Owners?

As a concealed-carry owner, it’s your responsibility to maintain proficiency, accuracy, and safety with your weapon. The hope is that you never have to use your firearm to protect yourself and your loved ones, but if you do, you must be comfortable and competent. This brings us to the issue of target practice. How much […]