All Treats, No Tricks: A Guide to Family Safety on Halloween

Halloween Safety Cover

It’s a holiday known for spooky decorations, crazy costumes, and tasty treats. However, the scariest part of Halloween can be the potential risks involved with home and family safety. Thankfully, these dangers can be easily handled with some advance preparation and situational awareness. To help you out, we’ve rounded up some of the best tips […]

What’s the Word on San Jose Gun Laws? Reddit Opens Up

San Jose Gun Laws Cover

THIS IS AMERICA, and in America, we live in the land of the free. We have a right to reciprocity. But what are the people of this country actually saying? And how have the laws in San Jose, California changed over the years? Here are the facts the stats and the cold hard unfiltered responses […]

How to Buy a Gun in Tennessee

gun laws to know about in Tennessee

There’s always a process when it comes to purchasing a firearm. Figuring out how to buy a gun in Tennessee is straightforward, though, because the state has some of the country’s most relaxed firearms regulations. The gist is that state residents with U.S. citizenship can make purchases from licensed dealers without a permit if they […]

How to Buy a Gun in Arizona Legally in 7 Steps

buy a gun in Arizona

The Second Amendment is alive and well in the Grand Canyon State, which is good news if you’re looking to  buy a gun in Arizona. No special licensing or certification is necessary, for example, so state residents can walk into any gun shop and purchase a firearm. You’ll still have to prove your identity, age, […]

How to Pick the Right Gun Safe for Your Situation

overnight gun safe

In 2020, gun sales skyrocketed to unprecedented heights as millions of Americans exercised their Second Amendment right to bear arms. As responsible gun owners it is our duty to ensure that no unauthorized person can ever gain access to our firearms, especially children. After all, gun storage and child access prevention are cornerstones of firearms […]

When it Comes to Concealed Carry Laws All States Are Not Created Equal…

Map of the All States

What state do you live in? Depending on your answer to this question you may or may not have quite an uphill battle getting a concealed carry permit. For your reference we have compiled a link to many of the state specific concealed carry laws (specific to reciprocity) as outlined on the state specific government […]

What Kind of Insurance Does a Gun-Owner Need?

When talking about firearms, does insurance cross your mind? You mostly likely only practice in safe, designated places when it comes to shooting. Perhaps you keep your guns under lock and key…