Concealed Carry as a Female

There are many ways to carry a firearm, with the ultimate goals being proper concealment, easy accessibility, and safety. For men and women alike, there are methods that work equally well. Some popular ones include the inside the waistband holster, outside the waistband, belt-clip holster, an underarm holster, etc. 

When it comes to concealed carry as a female, some of these options are still available, but less practical and potentially odd in terms of fashion. For example, the heavy belts required to clip a holster to aren’t in vogue for women’s fashion right now.

Some women simply conceal their firearms in their purses, which can be more dangerous and less accessible — something we do not recommend. Ladies, how many times have you dropped to the ground to dig inside what seems like an endless abyss of a handbag, trying to find something you need? One wrong move navigating that handbag looking for your wallet, and one simple task could turn fatal. Despite the fact that purses don’t provide the same accessibility as body carry, a lot of women will still default to carrying in their purse. Just keep in mind to always have a holster inside the purse, keep the purse on you at all times, and ensure that the trigger is covered. 

Despite the fact that purses don’t provide the same accessibility as body carry, a lot of women will still default to carrying in their purse. Just keep in mind to always have a holster inside the purse, keep the purse on you at all times, and ensure that the trigger is covered. But, as a rule of thumb, we suggest that you never carry off body.

What Are My Options as a Female?

If you’re not using your purse to carry, there are other safe and accessible ways to store your firearm. The first option is a thigh holster. The gun is strapped to the inside of the user’s thigh. Some holsters come in the form of gym shorts to conceal the weapon even more, like the Dene Adams thigh holster. They sell for about $70 and come with additional compartments for your phone, wallet, or whatever else you might have to carry. The downside to thigh holsters is that they can be quite uncomfortable and be difficult to sit with, so while better than nothing — it is still not the optimal choice.

Another popular option is a belly band. For about $70 you can simply strap your weapon across your belly. It’s accessible, on your body, safe, and easy to conceal. 

Bra holsters are practical and accessible too. They come in a variety of designs including simple holsters and straps positioned on the sides of the bra, and also leather clips that hold the firearm in the center of the bra. There are also hybrid belly-bra bands that combine the two to create a bra design that’s merged into a belly strap. An appendix inside the waistband holster is also very popular for concealment and easy accessibility. 

Blending Fashion and Concealment

If you want to really combine fashion and concealed carry, you might like Alexo Athletica leggings or shorts, our choice here at Concealed Coalition. Most of their gear sells for under $100 online, and they are just as fashionable as Lululemon while providing a specific area for holstering your firearm. They’re made from quality material and come in a variety of sizes and designs so that you could go to a business-casual function for day-to-day, or even go for a run with their concealed carry shorts or leggings. The holsters are built into the clothing and are positioned on the front or back depending on your preference. Over the past few years, the women in the concealed carry community have RAVED about these leggings for their multi-function use, comfort, and style.

To learn more about firearm safety, including concealed carry as a female, enter your ZIP code here and find a Concealed Coalition course in your area today.

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